Blender 2D animation: the complete guide to the grease pencil
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Beteilige Person: Blain, John M. 1942- (VerfasserIn)
Format: Elektronisch E-Book
Veröffentlicht: Boca Raton ; London ; New York CRC Press [2022]
Ausgabe:First edition
Abstract:IntroductionPreambleDownload & Install BlenderStarting the Blender ProgramThe Graphical User Interface1.1 The Graphical User Interface (GUI)1.2 EditorsThe 3D Gui Diagram1.3 The 3D Animation Workspace1.4 Drawing with the Grease Pencil1.5 The Grease Pencil1.6 Hiding Annotations1.7 The Transition to 2D DrawingThe 2D GUI Diagram1.8 Changing to the 2D Animation Workspace1.9 The 2D Animation Workspace1.10 The 2D Viewport Editor1.11 Editor Controls - Buttons,
Icons and SlidersDrawing Strokes2.1 Drawing a Stroke2.2 Drawing a Stroke (Continued)2.3 Erasing Strokes2.4 Stroke Lines and Fill2.5 Stroke Colors - Material Color Mode2.6 Stroke Colors - Vertex Color Mode2.7 Mixing Colors2.8 Texture Strokes2.9 Stroke Color Workspace2.10 Tinting Strokes2.11 New Stroke TypesStrokes Tools3.1 The Tool Panel3.2 The Fill Tool3.3 The Cutter Tool3.4 The Eyedropper Tool3.5 The Line Tool3.6 The Polyline Tool3.7 The Arc Tool3.8 The Curve Tool3.9 The Box Tool3.10 The Circle ToolStrokes Brushes4.1 Brush Type4.2 Brush Types4.3 Adding New Brush Types4.4 Customising a Brush Type4.5 Downloading and Appending BrushesUsing a Drawing Tablet5.1 Emulating a Three Button Mouse5.2 Blender Preferences Editor5.3 2D Viewport Editor Controls5.4 Tablet Properties5.4 Wacom Intous 3D Table PropertiesThe Canvas Explained6.1 The Canvas6.2 The Canvas - Another way6.3 Renaming and Adding Layers6.4 Adding Preconstructed Strokes6.5 Appending Strokes6.6 Using Appended Stroke Types6.7
Browse Material to be Linked6.8 Adding 3D Objects6.9 Adding a Canvas6.10 The Canvas GridStroke Placement7.1 Placing Strokes7.2 2D Viewport Header Stroke Placement Controls7.3 Object Origin7.4 Origin: Stroke Placement7.5 3D Cursor: Stroke Placement7.6 Surface: Stroke Placement7.7 Stroke: Stroke Placement7.8 Aligning and Locking Strokes7.9 Drawing GuidesBackground Image Tracing8.1 Tracing8.2 Drag and Drop Method8.3 Add Image Method8.4 The File browser Editor8.5 TracingSmoothing and Editing Strokes9.1 Editing Strokes9.2 2D Viewport Editor Modes9.3 Editing in Object Mode9.4 Editing in Edit Mode9.5 Proportional Editing9.6 Edit Mode Manipulation Tools9.7 Edit Mode Editing Tools9.8 Editing in Sculpt Mode9.9 Editing with ModifiersStroke Effects10.1 Viewport Shading Options10.2 Stroke Effects10.3 Viewport Display10.4 Flip Effect10.5 Blur Effect10.6 Pixelate10.7 Shadow10.8Wave Distortion10.9 Multiple EffectsAnimating Strokes11.1 Dope Sheet and Timeline Editors11.2 Timeline Animation Play
Umfang:1 Online-Ressource (XXII, 217 Seiten) Illustrationen, Diagramme