Menodoto di Nicomedia: contributo a una storia galeniana della medicina empirica : con una raccolta commentata delle testimonianze
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Beteilige Person: Perilli, Lorenzo 1964- (VerfasserIn)
Format: Elektronisch E-Book
Veröffentlicht: München ; Leipzig K.G. Saur 2004
Schriftenreihe:Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Band 206
Beschreibung:Main description: Menodotos aus Nikomedia (2. Jh. n. Chr.) wurde bis heute als der bedeutendste Arzt der sog. griechischen Empirikerschule betrachtet und galt schon nach den Zeugnissen der Antike als Leitfigur des Skeptizismus. Dieses Buch bietet die erste wissenschaftliche Monographie mit kommentierter Sammlung der Testimonien. Aus dem Inhalt: Vorwort; Einleitung; Die Anfänge des Empirismus; Die Quellen: Galen; Menodotos als Quelle Galens; Werke des Menodotos - über den Titel von Galens Protreptikos; Die Polemik gegen den Rationalismus: Menodotos gegen Asklepiades, Galen gegen Menodotos; Medizinische Lehren: die Phlebotomie; Menodotos, die weiteren Empiriker und das Verhältnis zum Skeptizismus; Vernunft und Erfahrung - der Begriff Epilogismos; Analogie und Ähnlichkeit; + rebours: hellenistische Wissenschaft, Peripatos, Diokles von Karystos; Epilegomenon: über die Frage der Authentizität von Galens de optima secta und de experientia medica; Bibliographie; Index locorum; Index nominum; Index rerum; Index Graeco-latinus; Index testimoniorum
Main description: Menodotus of Nicomedia (II AD) has usually been considered as one of the most important among the physicians of the so-called Greek Empirical school, as well as, according to an-cient testimonies, a leading figure of Skepticism and, at least until mid-20th century, a fore-runner of modern experimental science. This book offers the first scientific monograph en-tirely devoted to an empirical doctor, together with a collection of fragments in the form of a "running commentary". In the resulting frame, a more reliable historical position is re-covered for Menodotus (and, through him, for the last development of Greek empirical medicine), and the usual picture is substantially altered. Main lines of the work are the problem of sources, which can be identified almost exclusively with the famous doctor Galen, and of their trustworthiness; the misunderstood role of Menodotus as a source of Galen for his picture of Empiricism; the mutual relationship between the concepts of reason and experience, and the problematical acceptance of the former into the empirical doctrine; the relationship of Menodotus to his forerunners, not only inside the school but also in the post-Aristotelian history of medicine and philosophy, starting from Diocles of Carystus and up to Heraclides of Tarentum and to the Epicureanism of Philodemus. The Introduction tries a.o. to understand the role of Greek Empiricism in the history of science. The book also contains a detailed bibliography and five Indexes, as well as an Epilegomenon, in which the authenticity of some works of Galen concerning Empiricism is discussed
Review text: "C'est là un livre soigné, soigneux et très convaincant [...]."Danielle Gourevitch in: Latomus 4/2010
Umfang:1 Online-Ressource (252 Seiten)