The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals:
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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteilige Person: Moore, Madelaine (VerfasserIn)
Format: Buch
Veröffentlicht: Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd 2025
Schriftenreihe:Elgar Companions to the Sustainable Development Goals series
Beschreibung:Contents ; 1 Introduction to the challenges of decent work and the Sustainable Development Goals 1 ; Madelaine Moore, Christoph Scherrer and Marcel van der Linden ; HISTORICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF DECENT WORK AND THE SDGS ; 2 Decent work's place among the SDGs: contribution by the International Labour Organization 26 ; Eva Senghaas-Knobloch ; 3 The genesis of the Decent Work Agenda 39 ; Tania Ferraro ; 4 Unravelling capitalist structuring conditions: limits of the Decent Work Agenda 52 ; Andreas Bieler ; 5 Competing conceptualizations of decent work: measurement and policy coherence challenges 63 ; Erica Di Ruggiero ; 6 Measuring decent work 76 ; Lea Renard and Benedicte Zimmermann ; DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING CONDITIONS IN/OUTSIDE STANDARD WORK ; 7 The evolution of standard work 90 ; Paul Schoukens, Eleni De Becker and Charlotte Bruynseraede ; 8 The workplace 104 ; Narayan Prasad and Nausheen Nizami ; 9 Wages: functions, types,
- inequalities 116 ; Maarten van Klaveren ; 10 Work without protection: informal work 128 ; Jan Breman and Marcel van der Linden ; 11 Unemployment - underemployment 139 ; Gerhard Bosch; 12 Unfree labour within and beyond the Decent Work Agenda 152 ; Anne Lisa Carstensen ; 13 Reproductive work against productivism from the Decent Work Agenda to the SDGs 163 ; Alessandra Mezzadri ; 14 Valuing domestic labour: the changing meanings of 'housework' under capitalism 175 ; Indu Agnihotri ; DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING CONDITIONS OF SPECIFIC SOCIAL GROUPS ; 15 Women workers 188 ; Madhumita Dutta and Sirisha C.
- Naidu ; 16 Migrant workers 200 ; Helen Schwenken ; 17 Child workers 213 ; Ben White ; 18 Africa: young people between insecurity and the aspiration for decent jobs 225 ; Babacar Fall ; 19 People with disabilities 236 ; Felix Welti ; 20 Challenges of decent work for smallholders and agricultural workers: reflections on the Global South 247 ; Praveen Jha ; DRIVERS OF DECENT WORK DEFICITS ; 21 Three windows on decent work: theories of labour relations 260 ; Chris Tilly ; 22 Uneven and combined development and decent work 274 ; Ronaldo Munck ; 23 International labour migration and decent work 284 ; Immanuel Ness ; 24 Labour,
- social upgrading and indecent work in global value chains 298 ; Kristoffer Marslev and Cornelia Staritz; PUBLIC AND CORPORATE ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS OF DECENT WORK ; 25 Navigating globalization: examining the ILO's efforts to promote decent work 312 ; Faradj Koliev ; 26 The ILO and the promotion of social dialogue at the global and national level 324 ; Yvonne Rueckert ; 27 The elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work: ILO Convention No.
- 190 335 ; Reingard Zimmer ; 28 Securing compliance with standards of occupational health and safety: labour inspection and its challenges 346 ; David Walters ; 29 Trade agreements and decent work 358 ; Christoph Scherrer ; 30 Corporate due diligence in global value chains 370 ; Christian Scheper ; 31 The efficacy of market-driven voluntary governance mechanisms for decent work 382 ; Tim Connor, Kate Macdonald and Shelley Marshall ; 32 Regional integration: a promising tool to advance the international decent work agenda? 396 ; Roland Erne, Mark Anner, Michele Ford,
- Tamara Kay and Vincenzo Maccarrone ; BOTTOM-UP ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS AND DECENT WORK ; 33 Trade unions and decent work 413 ; Greg Patmore ; 34 Trade unions as organised forms of labour movements: why this matters in liberal democracies 425 ; Peter Fairbrother and Karen Douglas ; 35 Strikes and decent work 438 ; Joerg Nowak ; 36 Collective representation of precarious workers: what has the Decent Work Agenda got to do with it? 448 ; Edlira Xhafa and Melisa R. Serrano; 37 Worker organizing in the Global South: an experimental trend 461 ; Lynford Dor and Edward Webster ; 38 Transnational regulation of decent work through Global Framework Agreements: a collective instrument of worker voice 473 ; Michael Fichter ; 39 The power of boycotts 487 ; Allyson P.
- Brantley ; NEW CHALLENGES TO THE DECENT WORK AGENDA ; 40 The role of labour and nature within just transition strategies 500 ; Nora Raethzel and Dimitris Stevis ; 41 Work health and safety, adaptation, and climate change 514 ; Elizabeth Humphrys ; 42 Degrowth and decent work 526 ; Birte Strunk ; 43 Future of work and global trends: reframing the debate in an age of state capitalism and systemic competition 538 ; Frederick Harry Pitts and Huw Thomas ; 44 The technopolitics of decent digital work 551 ; Simon Schaupp ; 45 Digital labour platforms and their contribution to development outcomes 562 ; Uma Rani, Rishabh Kumar Dhir and Nora Gobel ; ALTERNATIVES TO WORKPLACE-RELATED RIGHTS ; 46 Decent work and welfare states: two sides of the same coin? 577 ; Martin Seeleib-Kaiser,
- Leonid Shvyrev and Jakub Sowula ; 47 Social protection floors as a knowledge object: examining their place within the Decent Work and Sustainable Development Agenda 604 ; John Berten and Alexandra Kaasch ; 48 Universal versus employment-based social protection? 615 ; Gabriele Koehler ; 49 Size matters: universal basic income as a strategy for decent work 627 ; Ruth Castel-Branco and Nicolas Pons-Vignon ; THE FUTURE OF THE DECENT WORK AGENDA ; 50 No future for decent work without the right to strike 639 ; Frank Hoffer
Umfang:682 Seiten 244 mm