
"A Junior Library Guild selection." -- To prevent the destruction of his planet, teenaged Rigg Sessamekesh, who can manipulate time, must assume more responsibility when he and others travel back 11,000 years to the arrival of human starships. -- Ages 12 up.

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Beteilige Person: Card, Orson Scott 1951- (VerfasserIn)
Format: Buch
Veröffentlicht: New York Simon Pulse [2012]
Ausgabe:First Simon Pulse hardcover edition
Zusammenfassung:"A Junior Library Guild selection." -- To prevent the destruction of his planet, teenaged Rigg Sessamekesh, who can manipulate time, must assume more responsibility when he and others travel back 11,000 years to the arrival of human starships. -- Ages 12 up.
Beschreibung:Sequel to: Pathfinder
Umfang:530 Seiten 22 cm