Physica scripta: an international journal for experimental and theoretical physics Topical issues
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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Format: Schriftenreihe
Sprache:Nichtbestimmte Sprache
Veröffentlicht: Stockholm The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1982-
Stockholm Almqvist & Wiksell
Veröffentlicht:1.1982 -
Beschreibung:Ausgaben nach 106.2003 nur mehr vereinzelt gedruckt nachgewiesen
Umfang:30 cm
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Bestandsangaben von Bibliotheksmagazin
Signatur: 0201 ZB 7172 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-66/68 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-69/72 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-73/75 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-76/79 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-80/82 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-83/86 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-87/90 Lageplan
0201 ZB 7172-91/95 Lageplan
Bandangaben: 66.1996 - 106.2003
Exemplar 1 (66.1996 = _Proceedings of the 15th general conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society | 67.1996 = _Complex dynamics in spatially extended systems | 68.1996 = _Heterostructures in semiconductors | | | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 2 (87.2000 = _Critical issues in the determination of the pion nucleon coupling constant | 88.2000 = _Proceedings of the International Conference on Achievements and Perspectives in Nuclear Structure | 89.2001 | 90.2001 | | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 3 (69.1997 = _Proceedings of 17th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting | 70.1997 = _George W. Series memorial essays | 71.1997 = _Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Electronic Beam Ion Sources and Their Applications | 72.1997 = _Proceedings of the ... EGAS conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (28, Graz, 1996) | | | | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 4 (73.1997 = _Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions | 74.1998 = _Collective phenomena in space and astrophysics | 75.1998 = _New perpectives of collective effects | | | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 5 ( | | | | 76.1998 = _Modern studies of basic quantum concepts and phenomena | 77.1998 = _Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium in Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics | 78.1998 = _Proceedings of the ... EGAS conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (29, Berlin, 1997) | 79.1999 = _Proceedings of 18th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 6 (81.1999 = _8th International Workshop on Carbon Materials | 80.1999 = _Proceedings of the IX International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, A/B | 82.1999 | | | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 7 (83.1999 = _Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths | 84.2000 = _New frontiers in nonlinear sciences | 85.2000 = _Particle physics and the universe | 86.2000 = _Proceedings of the ... EGAS conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (31, Marseille, 1999) | | | | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 8 (91.2001 | 92.2001 | 93.2001 | 94.2001 = _5th International Workshop on Hydrogen Isotopes in Solids | 95.2001 | ) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 9 (100.2002 | 101.2002 | 102.2002) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 10 (103.2003 | 105.2003 | 106.2003 | 104.2003) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen
Exemplar 11 (96.2002 | 97.2002 | 98.2002 | 99.2002) Ausleihbar Am Standort Bestellen