Search Results - Wolleb, Johannes 1586-1629
Johannes Wolleb
Johannes Wolleb (Wollebius) (1589–1629) was a Swiss Protestant theologian. He was a student of Amandus Polanus, and followed in the tradition of a Reformed scholasticism, a formal statement of the views arising from the Protestant Reformation.He was the successor of Johann Jakob Grynaeus at Basel Cathedral. The ''Compendium Theologiae Christianae'' of 1626 is his major work; it is shorter than the ''Syntagma Theologiae Christianae'' (1609) of Polanus, and served as an abridgement and development. It was translated into English by Alexander Ross, as ''Abridgement of Christian Divinitie'' (1650).
Wolleb influenced the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms. His ''Compendium'', with William Ames's ''Medulla'', and Francis Turretin's writings, were used as textbooks into the 18th century and beyond. In the late 17th century, Wolleb's system began to displace Ames's in favour at Harvard University. Students at Yale University in the early 18th century used to study the ''Abridgement'' every Friday afternoon; the books by Wolleb and Ames were written into the university Regulations (1745). In April 1784, the Compendium Theologiae was replaced with work from the new dissenting academies in England. Philip Doddridge (1712-1749) whose "Course of Lectures on Pneumatology, Ethics and Divinity became the new primary text for the divinity. Harvard began to separate the Divinity School from the 'other views'. This action placed the Divinity school's use of Wolleb's works squarely into the newly formed Divinity school at Harvard. Provided by Wikipedia
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1Compendium theologiaePublished 1642Call Number: Loading…
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2Compendium theologi? christian?: accuratâ methodo sic adornatum, ut sit ad ss. scripturas legendas, Ad Locos Communes digerendos, Ad Controversias intelligendas, manuductio: authore Johanne Wollebio, SS. Theologiae Doctore, et in Acad. Basil. Professore OrdinarioPublished 1760Call Number: Loading…
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3The abridgment of Christian divinitiePublished 1660Call Number: Loading…
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4Compendium theologiae christianaePublished 1655Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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5Compendium theologiaePublished 1648Call Number: Loading…
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6Christliche Leichenpredigt, von der Christen Trost in ihren Trübsalen und WiderwertigkeitenPublished 1625Call Number: Loading…
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7Johannis Wollebii christianae theologiae compendiumPublished 1935Call Number: Loading…
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8Theses de tropisPublished 1668Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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9Compendium theologiaePublished 1647Call Number: Loading…
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10Christianæ Theologicæ Compendium: accurata methodo sic adornatum, ut ... sit manuductioPublished 1633Call Number: Loading…
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11Compendium theologiae Christianae: Accurata methodo sic adornatum, ut sit ad SS. Scripturas legendas, ad locos communes digerendos, ad controversias itelligendas manuductioPublished 1981Call Number: Loading…
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12Reformed dogmaticsPublished 1965Call Number: Loading…
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13Compendium theologiae Christianae: accurata methodo sic adornatum ...Published 1638Call Number: Loading…
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