Suchergebnisse - Wilson, Henry 1673-1741
- Treffer 1 – 20 von 20
1Surveying improved: or, the whole art, both in theory and practice, fully demonstrated. In four parts. I. Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal. II. All Definitions, Theorems, and Problems; with Plain Trigonometry, and whatsoever else is useful in the Theory of Surveying. III. The Description and Use of Instruments, necessary in the Practice of Surveying; particularly Gunter's Chain, the Surveying-Wheel, the Theodolite, the Sector, the Circumferentor, the Protractor, the Semicircle, and the Plain-Table; which last, of all others, is esteemed universally useful in every Part of this Art. IV. How to Measure, Cast up, Plot, and Divide Parcels of Land, of what Denomination soever, viz. Meadows, Pastures, Fields, Forests, Woods, Commons, Lordships, Manors, &c. by any one or more of the abovesaid Instruments. Also, to take inaccessible Heights and Distances, with surveying Counties, Roads, Rivers, &c. Likewise to reduce a Plan to a Prospect, and to correct any Survey by Astronomical Calculation: With Directions for making transparent Colours for Maps, &c. With an Appendix concerning Levelling and Conveying of Water to any possible Place assigned. The sixth edition, with additions, illustrated with cuts, &c. and also accurately revised, improved, and augmented. By Henry Wilson, Mathematician. To which is now added, Geodoesia accurata: or, Surveying made Easy by the Chain only. Shewing, How to Measure, Plot, Divide, and Delineate any Parcel of Land, without the Trouble and Charge of any other Instrument but the Chain; with proper Directions for Reducing, Mapping, Colouring, and finding the Content, after an accurate and expeditious Manner. Also, a new essay upon Solids. Shewing how the Dimensions of Timber-Trees, &c. both standing and lying, may be exactly taken, and readily measured various Ways, viz. Vulgarly, Decimally, Duodecimally, Instrumentally, and Tabularly. By William Hume, PhilomathVeröffentlicht 1769Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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2Surveying improved: or, the whole art, both in theory and practice, fully demonstrated. In four parts. ... The fifth edition, with additions; embellished and illustrated with proper cuts, ... By Henry Wilson, ... To which is now added, Geodoesia accurata: or, surveying mad easy by the chain only. ... By William HumeVeröffentlicht 1762Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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3Surveying improved: or, the whole art, both in theory and practice, fully demonstrated. In four parts. ... The fourth edition, with additions; embellished and illustrated with proper cuts, &c. ... By Henry Wilson, ... To which is now added, Geodoesia accurata: or, surveyin made easy by the chain only. ... Also, a new essay upon solids. ... By William HumeVeröffentlicht 1755Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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4Navigation new modelled: or, a treatise of geometrical, trigonometrical, arithmetical, instrumental, and practical navigation. Teaching how to keep a reckoning, both in latitude and longitude, ... Together with all necessary tables, ... The sixth edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry WilsonVeröffentlicht 1750Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5Navigation new modell'd: or, a treatise of geometrical trigonometrical arithmetical instrumental and practical navigation. Teaching, How to keep a Reckoning, both in Latitutde and Longitude, without Tables or Instruments, by a New Method never yet published: Illustrated with Practical Examples of keeping a Journal, and correcting it by an Observation; with a new Way of Finding the Variation, and Time of High-Water at any known Port. Together with All Necessary Tables, and the Projection of the Sphere Orthographick and Stereographick, Also Current Sailing, with other Pleasant Questions, and how to correct the Longitude by a Solar Observation. The third edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry Wilson, Author of the London Accomptant, Trigonometry Improv'd, and other Mathematical Treatises, Revised and Corrected by the AuthorVeröffentlicht 1736Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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6The regulation of Easter: or, the cause of the errors and dfferences [sic] contracted in the calculation of it discover'd, and duly consider'd. Shewing, The Frequency and ill Consequence of that Error, with the Cause from whence it proceeds, and a Method propos'd for rectifying it, and reconciling the Differences about it, and for restoring the Time of celebrating that great Solemnity to its primitive Certainty and Exactness, and that without the Difficulty and Confusion which some have objected would attend such a Regulation. By Henry Wilson, Mathematician, at Tower-HillVeröffentlicht 1735Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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7Leybourn's dialling improv'd: or, the whole art perform'd, I. Geometrically: By Scale and Composses, by projecting the Sphere upon the Plain, whereby the Reasons of the Operations are demonstrated. II. Arithmetically: By Sines and Tangents. Also, How to describe all necessary Furniture for Sun-Dials, as the Sun's Place and Declination; with the Babylonish, Italick, and Jewish Hours, and the Point of the Compass the Sun is upon at any Time of the Day; and to make Dials to give the Time of the Day at any Place proposed, in any Part of the World. With Reflective Dialling: Shewing how to make a Dial that shall give the true Hour of the Day, where the Sun cannot shine. To which is now added, instrumental dialling: by the lines of hours, and Inclination upon the Scales, and likewise mechanick dialling, whereby any Person may, without Mathematicks, make a Dial upon any Plain; with the Manner of ordering Oyl and Colours for Painting Sun-Dials. Concluding with tables ready calculated for all latitudes and declinations, for the more expeditious drawing the hour-lines upon any plain. By Henry Wilson. The third edition, corrected and improv'd by Charles LeadbetterVeröffentlicht 1728Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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8The description and use of that most excellent invention, call'd the globular chart: Shewing its Agreeableness to the Globe, And the Natural and Easy Consequences thereof in the Practice of Navigation; with a specimen of a sea-chart in that projection; and trigonometrical calculations, to prove the Truth thereof, both in Course, Latitude, Longitude, Meridian Distance (or Departure) Distance in the Arch of a great Circle, and Distance in the Rumb, tho' so Extensive as to exceed 1200 Leagues; and all measur'd by a Scale of Equal Parts, which cannot be done upon any Projection but this only. To which is prefix'd an answer to Mr Haselden's letter to Dr. Halley, Proving by Mathematical Demonstration, that his Principal Argument is false by above Three in Five; the rest invalid, and the whole incoherent. With an appendix, containing an answer to Mr. Collier, and proving that these two Authors contradict themselves, and one another. By Henry Wilson, Late Mathematician in His Majesty's Navy, and Author of several Treatises, in Navigation, Astronomy, &cVeröffentlicht 1722Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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9Navigation new modelled: Or, A treatise of geometrical, trigonometrical, arithmetical, instrumental, and practical navigation; teaching how to keep a reckoning, both in latitude and longitude, without tables or instruments, by a new method never yet published: illustrated with practical examples of keeping a journal, and correcting it by an observation, with a new way of finding the variation, and time of high-water at any known port. Together with all necessary tables, calculated to the new stile, and the projection of the sphere orthographic and stereographic. Also current sailing, with other pleasant questions, and how to correct the longtitude by a solar observation. The ninth edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry Wilson. Revised and corrected by William Mountaine, teacher of the mathematics, and F.R.SVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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10Navigation new modelled: or, a treatise of geometrical, trigonometrical, arithmetical, instrumental, and practical navigation; teaching how to keep a reckoning, both in latitude and longitude, without Tables or Instruments, by a New Method never yet Published: Illustrated with Practical Examples of keeping a Journal, and correcting it by an Observation, with a New Way of finding the Variation, and Time of High-Water at any known Port. Together with all necessary tables, calculated to the New Stile, and the Projection of the Sphere Orthographic and Stereographic. Also Current Sailing, with other Pleasant Questions, and how to Correct the Longitude by a Solar Observation. The eighth edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry Wilson. Revised and corrected by William Mountaine, Teacher of the Mathematics, and F. R. SVeröffentlicht 1764Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
11Surveying improv'd: or, the whole art, both in theory and practice, fully demonstrated. In four parts. ... The third edition, with additions ; ... By Henry Wilson, ... To which is now added, Geodoesia accurata: ... Also A new essay upon solids. ... By William HumeVeröffentlicht 1743Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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12Navigation new modell'd: Or, A treatise of geometrical, trigonometrical, arithmetical, instrumental, and practical navigation. Teaching how to keep a reckoning, both in latitude and longitude, without tables or instruments, by a new method never yet published: illustrated with practical examples of keeping a journal, and correcting it by an observation; with a new way of finding the variation, and time of high-water at any known port. Together with all necessary tables, and the projection of the sphere orthographic and stereographick. Also current sailing, with other pleasant questions, and how to correct the longitude by a solar observation. The fourth edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry Wilson, author of the London accomptant, trigonometry improv'd, and other mathematical treatises, revised and corrected by the authorVeröffentlicht 1741Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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13Geodesia Catenea: or, Surveying by the chain only. (A method entirely new.): Shewing how to measure, plot, and divide any parcel of land, without any other instrument but the chain: with directions for mapping and finding the content of it, and tables ready calculated for the more expeditious performance thereof, as also for measuring timber, &c. By Henry Wilson, author of several mathematical treatisesVeröffentlicht 1732Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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14Speculum mundi: or, an exact account of the great and formidable eclipse of the sun, which will be visible, total, and central, in England, May 11, 1724. Shewing, The true Time of the Beginning, Middle, and End of it; with its Quantity and Duration, as it will appear at London. Also, The Names of those Cities and Towns in England where it will be total, and on what Side of the Sun's Body the Light will be seen, an how much, where it is not total. With The various Events and Contingencies which are likely to succeed it in the several Parts of the World therein concern'dVeröffentlicht 1723Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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15Trigonometry improv'd, and projection of the sphere, made easy. Teaching The Projection of the Sphere Orthographick, and Stereographick: As also, Trigonometry Plain and Spherical; with plain and intelligible Reasons for the various and most useful Methods, both in Projection and Calculation; with the Application of the whole to Astronomy, Dialling, and Geography. By Henry WilsonVeröffentlicht 1720Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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16Navigation new modell'd: or, a treatise of geometrical trigonometrical arithmetical instrumental and practical navigation. Teaching, how to keep a reckoning, both in latitude and longitude, ... With an appendix, touching currents, ... To which is added, a correct table of logarithms, ... By Henry WilsonVeröffentlicht 1715Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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17Navigation new modelled: Or, Treatise of geometrical, trigonometrical, arithmetical, instrumental, and practical navigation; teaching how to keep a reckoning, both in latitude and longitude, without tables or instruments, by a new method never yet published: illustrated with practical examples of keeping a journal, and correcting it by an observation; with a new way of finding the variation, and time of high-water at any known port. Together with all necessary tables, calculated to the new stile, and the projection of the sphere orthographick and stereographick. Also current sailing, with other pleasant questions, and how to correct the longitude by a solar observation. The eighth edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry WilsonVeröffentlicht 1761Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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18Surveying improv'd: or, the whole art, both in theory and practice, fully demonstrated. In four parts. I. Arithmetick, Vulgar and Decimal. II. All Definitions, Theorems, and Problems; with Plain Trigonometry, and whatsoever else is necessary to the Theory of Surveying. III. The Description and Use of Instruments proper to be used in Practical Surveying. IV. How to Measure, Cast up, Plot, or Divide any Parcel of Land; to take inaccessible Heights and Distances; with Surveying Counties, Roads, Rivers, &c. Also to reduce a Plan to a Prospect; and to correct any Survey by Astronomical Calculation; with Directions for making transparent Colours for Maps. To which is added, an appendix concerning levelling and conveying water to any possible Place assign'd. By Henry WilsonVeröffentlicht 1726Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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19Navigation new modell'd: or, a treatise of geometrical trigonometrical arithmetical instrumental and practical navigation. Teaching, How to keep a Reckoning, both in Latitude and Longitude, without Tables or Instruments, by a New Method never yet published: Illustrated with Practical Examples of keeping a Journal, and correcting it by an Observation; with a new Way of Finding the Variation, and Time of High-Water at any known Port. Together with All Necessary Tables, and the Projection of the Sphere Orthographick and Stereographick, Also Current Sailing, with other Pleasant Questions, and how to correct the Longitude by a Solar Observation. The second edition, with the addition of spherical trigonometry, and astronomy. By Henry Wilson, Author of the London Accomptant, Trigonometry Improv'd, and other Mathematical TreatisesVeröffentlicht 1723Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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20Leybourn's dialling improv'd: or, the whole art perform'd, I. Geometrically: By Scale and Compasses, by projecting the Sphere upon the Plain, whereby the Reasons of the Operations are demonstrated. II. Arithmetically: By Sines and Tangents. Also, How to describe all necessary Furniture for Sun-Dials, as the Sun's Place and Declination; with the Babylonish, Italick, and Jewish Hours, and the Point of the Compass the Sun is upon at any Time of the Day; and to make Dials to give the Time of the Day at any Place proposed, in any Part of the World. With Reflective Dialling: Shewing how to make a Dial that shall give the true Hour of the Day, where the Sun cannot shine. To which is now added, instrumental dialling: by the lines of hours, and Inclination upon the Scales, and likewise mechanick dialling, whereby any Person may, without Mathematicks, make a Dial upon any Plain; with the Manner of ordering Oyl, and Colours, for painting Sun-Dials. Concluding with tables ready calculated for all latitudes and declinations, for the more expeditious drawing the hour-lines upon any plain. By Henry WilsonVeröffentlicht 1721Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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