Original poems on various subjects: Serious, Moral, and Diverting, viz. I. An Essay on Dunning, in Seven Canto's. II. A Dissertation on Fashions. III. The parting Cup, or the Humours of Deoghedorus, in four Canto's. IV. The Captain's Retreat, with the Humours of an old Soldier. V. The Broken-Mug, in five Parts. VI. A short View of Parnassus. Vii. A Dissertation on Italian and Irish Musick, &c. Viii. An historical Poem on the Rise and Progress of the Charitable and Musical Society, &c. with several others, as may be seen in the Table of Contents. To this Edition, are added the following poems never before Published, viz. I. On the general Effect and Excellencies of Musick, but more particularly on the Famous Mr. Handel's Compositions and Performance. II. On Famine. III. On Plenty. IV. A Poetical description of Mr. Neal's new Musick-Hall. V. Gaffer and Gammer, with the Humours of a bad Landlord. VI. Some yearly Observations on Astrologers, &c. Vii. Ready Wit, as good as ready Money, a Rhapsody on various Topicks, with several others. By Laurence Whyte, A Lover of the Muses and Mathematicks