Suchergebnisse - Wells, Edward 1667-1727
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1An historical Geography of the Old & New Testament: in two volumesBand 1von Wells, Edward 1667-1727Veröffentlicht 1828Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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2Sacred geography: a geographical and historical account of places mentioned in holy scripture ; originally composed by Edward Wells. Rev. and corr., and augm. by a series of geographical excursions, in which the geography of scripture is confirmed by evidence entirely new in its applicationVeröffentlicht 1824Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
3Historische Geographie des alten und neuen TestamentsVeröffentlicht 1765Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
4Historische Geographie des alten und neuen TestamentsBand 1von Wells, Edward 1667-1727Veröffentlicht 1765Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
5Historische Geographie des alten und neuen TestamentsBand 2von Wells, Edward 1667-1727Veröffentlicht 1765Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
6Historische Geographie des alten und neuen TestamentsBand 4von Wells, Edward 1667-1727Veröffentlicht 1765Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
7Eduard Wells der H. Schrift Doctors und Rectors in Cotesbach Historische Geographie des Alten und Neuen Testaments: in vier Theilen abgefaßtBand 1 - Welcher den ersten und zweyten Theil enthältvon Wells, Edward 1667-1727Veröffentlicht 1765Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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8Eduard Wells der H. Schrift Doctors und Rectors in Cotesbach Historische Geographie des Alten und Neuen Testaments: in vier Theilen abgefaßtBand 2 - Welcher den dritten und vierten Theil enthältvon Wells, Edward 1667-1727Veröffentlicht 1765Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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9The young gentleman's astronomy, chronology, and dialling: Containing such Elements of the said Arts or Sciences, as are most useful and easy to be known. By Edward Wells, D. D. late Rector of Cotesbach in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1736Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
10A treatise of antient and present geography: Together with a sett of maps, both of antient and present geography, shewing the difference between each, by bare inspection of the maps, and design'd for the use of young students in the universities. By Edward Wells, M. A. and Student of Christ-Church, Oxon. Now D. D. and Rector of Cotesbach, in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1726Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
11An historical geography of the Old Testament: in three volumes. ... By edward Wells, D.D. Rector of Cotesbach in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1721Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
12A discourse briefly shewing, that the marriages of such as are near of kin are sinful and abominable now under the gospel, as well as they were under the law: and that all the degrees of kindred, contain'd in the table appointed to be put up in churches, (which table is here printed at large) are forebidden in the Scriptures both of the Old and New Testament to marry, accordingly as is set forth in the table aforesaidVeröffentlicht 1718Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
13A letter to a friend: concerning the great sin of taking God's name in vain whereto are added, one or two remarks concerning vain or common swearing. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Cotesbach in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1718Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
14The rich man's great and indispensable duty to contribute liberally to the building: rebuilding, Repairing, Beautifying and adorning of churches, Largely set forth, and laid before the Nobility, Gentry, and All other Rich Persons of whatever Rank or Denomination. Being A Discourse very Proper and Requisite to be put into the Hands of Young Gentlemen; By All such as have the Instruction of Them, and more especially By Tutors in our Two Famous Universities, As is shewn in the Preface to this Edition. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Blechly in BucksVeröffentlicht 1717Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
15The young gentleman's trigonometry: : containing such elements of trigonometry, as are most useful and easy to be known. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Cotesbach in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1714Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
16A letter to the Reverend Dr Clarke: Rector of St James's Westminster, in answer to his letter to Dr Wells. By Edward Wells By Edward Wells D. D. Rector of Cotesbach in Leicester shire. N.B. In page 13, 14. of this letter now printed, is set before the reader, as in a glass, a lively and exact picture of Dr Clarke, in the words of -the Ingenious Robert Nelson Esq; in his Life of the Right Reverend Bishop Bull. Which is here done, partly by way of Return for Dr Clarke's like Pains, in Transcribing so much of Mr Nelson's said Book, as takes up no Fewer than the Six last Pages of his Letter; partly and more especially for the Benefit of All such as cannot be at the Cost of Mr Nelson's Life of Bp BullVeröffentlicht 1713Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
17An essay towards an impartial account of the Holy Trinity, and the deity of our Saviour, as contained in the Old Testament. In which are Some Remarks on the Scripture Account lately publish'd by Dr. ClarkVeröffentlicht 1712Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
18The young gentleman's dialling: containing such elements of the said art, as are most useful and easy to be known. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Cotesbach in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1712Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
19An historical geography of the New Testament: in two parts. Part I. The journeyings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Part II. The travels and voyages of St. Paul, &c. Being a Geographical and Historical Account of all the Places mention'd, or referr'd to, in the Books of the New Testament; Very useful for understanding the History of the said Books, and several Particular Texts. To which end there is also added a chronological table. Throughout is inserted the present state of such places, as have been lately visited by persons of our own nation, and of unquestionable Fidelity; whereby the Work is rendred very Useful and Entertaining. Illustrated and adorned with maps, and several copper-plates; wherein is represented the Present State of the Places now most Remarkable. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Cotesbach in LeicestershireVeröffentlicht 1712Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
20The common Christian rightly and plainly instructed in the grounds of Christianity: or, an exposition of the Church-Catechism, more particularly adapted to the capacities and circumstances of the common people. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Cotesbatch in Leicester-ShireVeröffentlicht 1712Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book