Suchergebnisse - Warwick, Robert Richard of 1587-1658
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1A letter from the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Warwick Lord High Admirall of England, fully relating the condition of the affaires at sea: With a list of the number of the Parliaments ships, and the names of the severall commanders in them, now riding in the Downes. Read in the House of Peeres upon Friday the 8 of September, 1648. And commanded to be printed and publishedVeröffentlicht 1648Signatur: Wird geladen …
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2The Earl of Warwicks letter to the Right Honorable, the Committee of Lords and Commons at Derby-House: containing a narrative of his proceedings in pursuit of the revolted ships, and their declining the engagement: and of the conjunction of the Portsmouth fleet with the Lord Admirals. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. ComVeröffentlicht 1648Signatur: Wird geladen …
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3A letter: sent from ...Veröffentlicht 1644Signatur: Wird geladen …
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4A letter sent from the Right Honorable, Robert Earl of Warwick: to the Right Honorable, the speaker to the House of Peers: concerning the present state and condition, with the manner of the raising of the siege, of Lyme: with a relation of divers other remarkable passages concerning the Queen, the Prince, and the Lord Hopton, with the delivering up of Weymouth to the Parliament. Printed according to orderVeröffentlicht 1644Signatur: Wird geladen …
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5A letter: from ... relatingVeröffentlicht 1643Signatur: Wird geladen …
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6A letter from the Earl of Warwick: relating the taking of all the forts, and 16 pieces of ordnance from the malignant Cornishmen that had before besieged the city of ExeterVeröffentlicht 1643Signatur: Wird geladen …
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7A letter: sent fromVeröffentlicht 1642Signatur: Wird geladen …
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8A most worthy speech, spoken by the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Warwicke: in the head of his army, November, 22. when he tooke his leave of them, and delivered them under the command of his excellence the Earle of Essex. Wherin is contained all the duties of a Christian souldier, both toward God and man, with many religious advertisements, to deterre them from swearing, and taking the name of the Lord in vaine. Whereunto is annexed a caveat for the cavaliers, being a true example of Gods judgement against one of that crew, which tooke a pride in blaspheming against God, and cursing the RoundheadsVeröffentlicht 1642Signatur: Wird geladen …
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9A letter sent from the Right Honorable Robert Earle of Warwik, admirall of the sea, to Mr. Iohn Pim, Esquire, and by him presented by both House of Parliament, Iuly 6, 1642Veröffentlicht 1642Signatur: Wird geladen …
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10The Earl of Warwick's letter from aboard His Majesties ship, called the James in the downs, to an honorable lord in Parliament, dated July 4, 1642: concerning his calling a councell of war, and how his rear-admirall, and four other captains refused to obey his lordships summonsVeröffentlicht 1642Signatur: Wird geladen …
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11The Earle of VVarvvicks summons to the Kings fleet at Gowry: and Prince Charles his answer. With His Lordships reply. And a declaration by the Hollanders, concerning the Prince and his Lordship. Also the taking of the Lord Jermin his ship, and another ship of the Irish rebels, by the Earle of Warwicke. And a great victory against the ScotsVeröffentlicht 1648Signatur: Wird geladen …
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12The remonstrance and declaration of His Excellencie Robert E. of VVarwick, Lord High Admirall of England: concerning the King, Parliament, Army, and kingdome. And his protestation and resolution, to the citizens of London, and all other His Majesties liege people, touching his engagement, for religion, Parliament, and kingdome. Subscribed, Warwick. Also, a letter and declaration from the Navy, to the apprentices of the City of London, and the mariners and water-men upon the river of Thames; containing their full resolution touching the Army. With the desires and proposals of the citizens of London, to his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax, touching the horse and foot who are quartered in the city, and the general answer thereuntoVeröffentlicht 1648Signatur: Wird geladen …
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13A letterVeröffentlicht 1644Signatur: Wird geladen …
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14The Earl of VVarwick's letter from aboard His Majesties ship, called the James, in the Downs, to an Honorable Lord in Parliament; dated July 4. 1642: Concerning his calling a councell of war, and how his rear-admirall, and four other captains refused to obey his Lordships summons. With many other passages of great consequence. Also, another letter from aboard the same ship to Master Nichols a Member of the House of Commons; dated July 5. 1642. With many remarkable passages amongst the captains and officers. Read in the House of Commons, and commanded to be forthwith printedVeröffentlicht 1642Signatur: Wird geladen …
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15A most worthy speech spoken by the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Warwicke: in the head of his army, November, 22 when he tooke his leave of them, and delivered them under the command of his Excellence the Earle of EssexVeröffentlicht 1642Signatur: Wird geladen …
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16A declaration of the Earle of VVarwick, Lord High Admirall of England: in answer of a scandalous pamphlet, falsly reflecting upon his Lordships honour and proceedingsVeröffentlicht 1648Signatur: Wird geladen …
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17A declaration of His Excellency Robert E. of Warwick Lord High Admirall of England: concerning the uniting of the two navies, and restoring of the Kings Majesty, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York and the rest of the royall issue to their just rights and privledges. And his resolution touching all those who endeavour to obstruct the treaty, and hinder the setling of truth, and happy peace, in this unsetled church and kindome. With His Majesties last and finall propositions to all loyall and reasonable subjects. Subscribed Charles RVeröffentlicht 1648Signatur: Wird geladen …
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18A letter from the Right Honourable Robert Earle of VVarwicke, Lord High-admirall of England: to the speaker of the House of Peeres: VVith an exact diurnall of all the most speciall and remarkable passages which have hapned during the siege of Lyme in Dorsetshire by Pr. Maurice his forces, from the 21 of February to this present. Die Jovis, 10 Junii, 1644. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that the L. Admirals letter, with the diurnall concerning Lime be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. ParliamentorumVeröffentlicht 1644Signatur: Wird geladen …
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19A declaration of the Right Honourable Robert, Earle of Warwick, Lord High Admirall of England, and of all the plantions [sic] belonging to any His Majesties, the King of Englands subjects upon the coasts of America, Governour of the Company of London for the plantation, of the Summer Islands, and of the said company: to the colony and plantation thereVeröffentlicht 1643Signatur: Wird geladen …
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20A declaration of Robert Rich, earl of WarwickVeröffentlicht 1643Signatur: Wird geladen …
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