Suchergebnisse - Turner, Daniel 1667-1741
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1Daniel Turners, der Arztneykunst Doctors, Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Haut: Nebst einem kurzen Anhang von den äußerlichen Mitteln, und der Art, wie sie wirken. Aus dem Englischen übersetztVeröffentlicht 1766Signatur: Wird geladen …
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2Daniel Turners ... Syphilis Oder Practische Abhandlung von der Venus-Seuche: in zwey Theilen ; Denen Deutschen Wund-Aerzten zum Nutzen aus dem Englischen übersetzet von einem der die Wundarzeney LiebetVeröffentlicht 1754Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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Buch -
3Traité Des Maladies De La Peau En General: Avec un court Appendix sur l'efficacité des Topiques dans les Maladies internes, & leur maniére d'agir sur le Corps humainTome Secondvon Turner, Daniel 1667-1741Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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Buch -
4A discourse concerning fevers: In two letters to a young physician. The First, Dissuading from all Hypotheses and Theories, whether Physical or Mechanical, as vain and delusive. The Second, Directing his Regimen for the Cure, and his Conduct to the sick Person; with some short, but general remarks upon the pulse and urine, in the way of postscript. As also upon the Crises, and critical Days in Fevers. The third edition, revis'd and improv'd. By Daniel Turner, M. D. of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1739Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5The drop and pill of Mr. Ward: consider'd: with a postscript; In which are some Remarks upon a late Report from Mr. Ward's Competitor; as also On the Affidavits made to the Twelve Cases in the Grub-Street Journal, in an epistle to Dr. James Jurin, Fellow of the College of Physicians, And of the Royal Society: from Daniel Turner, Of the same College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1735Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
6Syphillis. A practical dissertation on the venereal disease: In Which ... an Account of its Nature and Original, the Diagnostick and Prognostick Signs, with the best Ways of Curing ... Distemper, together with many Histories relating to the ... are ... and without Reserve, communicated. In two parts. The third edition, revised, corrected, and improved, not only by many considerable Observations interspersed throughout the Book, but the Addition also of several rare Cases at the Close. With some remarks, by way of supplement, on Dr. Willoughby's translation of Monsieur Chicoyneau's Method of Cure. Which he entitles, The practice of salivating shewn to be of no use or efficacy in the cure of the venereal disease, but greatly prejudicial thereunto. (in which a casual Digression concerning Inoculation.) With a letter from Mr. Samuel Palmer, to the Author of the said Remarks, on the Subject abovemention'd. By Daniel Turner, M. D. of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1727Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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7De morbis cutaneis: A treatise of diseases incident to the skin. In two parts. With a short appendix concerning the efficacy of local remedies, and the manner of their operations. By Daniel Turner, of the College of Physicians, LondonVeröffentlicht 1726Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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8Syphilis: A practical dissertation on the venereal disease. In which, after an account of its nature and original, the diagnostick and prognostick signs, with the best ways of curing that distemper, together with many Histories relating to the same, are candidly, and without Reserve, communicated. In two parts. The second edition, revised, corrected, and improved, not only by many considerable Observations interspersed through out the Book, but the Addition also of several rare Cases at the Close. With some Remarks, by Way of Supplement, on Dr. Willoughby's Translation of Monsieur Chicotneau's Method of Cure. Which he entitles, The Practice of Salivating shewn to be of no Use or Efficacy in the Cure of the Venereal Disease, but greatly prejudicial thereunto. (in which a casual Digression concerning Inoculation.) With A Letter from Mr. Samuel Palmer, to the Author of the said Remarks, on the Subject abovemention'd. By Daniel Turner, M. D. of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1724Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
9The art of surgery: in which is laid down such a general idea of the same, as is founded upon Reason, confirm'd by practice, and farther illustrated with many singular and rare Cases Medico-Chirurgical. In two volumes. With an introductory index, Shewing The Contents of each, and a double Table at the Close: The former Historical, referring to the Cases: The latter Aetiological, explaining of hard Words interspersed in the several Parts. By Daniel Turner, of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1722Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
10The art of surgery: in which is laid down such a general idea of the same, as is ... confirm'd by practice, ... In two volumes. The fifth edition, corrected. By Daniel TurnerVeröffentlicht 1736Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
11The art of surgery: in which is laid down such a general idea of the same, as is founded upon Reason, confirm'd by practice, and farther illustrated with many singular and rare Cases Medico-Chirurgical. In two volumes. The fourth edition. Corrected. By Daniel Turner, M. D. of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1732Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
12Siphylis: [sic] A practical dissertation on the venereal disease, in two parts. The fourth edition, still farther improved ... With an alphabetical index prefix'd, ... To which, ... is added, the author's Discourse of gleets. With a prefatory account of Professor Boerhaave's new comments on this disease; ... By Daniel TurnerVeröffentlicht 1732Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
13De morbis cutaneis: A treatise of diseases incident to the skin. In two parts. With a short appendix concerning the efficacy of local remedies, and the manner of their operations. By Daniel Turner, of the College of Physicians, LondonVeröffentlicht 1731Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
14A discourse concerning gleets: Their cause and cure. With a prefatory account of Professor Boerhaave's new comments on the venereal disease; and some Animadversions thereon. Address'd to the Surgeons in the City of London. To which is added, a defence of the 12th chapter of the first part of a treatise De morbis cutaneis, in respect to the Spots and Marks impress'd upon the Skin of the Foetus, by the Force of the Mother's Fancy: containing some remarks upon a discourse lately printed and entituled, The strength of imagination in pregnant women examin'd, &c. Whereby it is made plain, notwithstanding all the Objections therein, that the said Imagination in the Pregnant Woman, is capable of maiming, and does often both mutilate and mark the Foetus, or that the same, as he insinuates, is not a vulgar Error. In a Letter to the Author. By Daniel Turner, of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1729Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
15A discourse concerning fevers: In two letters to a young physician. the First, Dissuading from all Hypotheses and Theories, whether Physical or Mechanical, as vain and delusive. The Second, Directing his Regimen for the Cure, and his Conduct to the sick Person; With some short, but general remarks upon the pulse and urine, in the Way of Postscript. As also upon the crises, and critical days in feversVeröffentlicht 1727Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
16An appendix to Dr. Turner's Art of surgery: Containing, The Additional Part of the last Impression thereof, for the Benefit of those who are possess'd of the First Edition. Here Publish'd by the Author's DirectionVeröffentlicht 1725Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
17Syphilis: A practical dissertation on the venereal disease. In which, after an account of its nature and original, the diagnostick and prognostick signs, with the best ways of curing that distemper, together with many Histories relating to the same, are candidly, and without Reserve, communicated. In two parts. The second edition, revised, corrected, and improved, not only by many considerable Observations interspersed through out the Book, but the Addition also of several rare Cases at the Close. With some Remarks, by Way of Supplement, on Dr. Willoughby's Translation of Monsieur Chicoyneau's Method of Cure. Which he entitles, The Practice of Salivating shewn to be of no Use or Efficacy in the Cury of the Venereal Disease, but greatly prejudicial thereunto. (in which a casual Digression concerning Inoculation.) With A Letter from Mr. Samuel Palmer, to the Author of the said Remarks, on the Subject abovemention'd. By Daniel Turner, M. D. of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1724Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
18De morbis cutaneis: A treatise of diseases incident to the skin. In two parts. With a short appendix concerning the Efficacy of local Remedies, and the Manner of their Operations. By Daniel Turner, Of the College of Physicians, LondonVeröffentlicht 1723Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
19Traité Des Maladies De La Peau En General: Avec un court Appendix sur l'efficacité des Topiques dans les Maladies internes, & leur maniére d'agir sur le Corps humainTome Premiervon Turner, Daniel 1667-1741Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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Buch -
20The art of surgery: in which is laid down such a general idea of the same, as is founded upon Reason, confirmed by practice, and farther illustrated with many singular and rare Cases Medico-Chirurgical. In two volumes. The sixth edition, corrected. By Daniel Turner, M. D. of the College of Physicians in LondonVeröffentlicht 1741Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
Elektronisch E-Book