Search Results - Theoleptus Philadelphiensis 1250-1324
- Showing 1 – 12 results of 12
1Lettres et discours monastiquesPublished 2001Call Number: Loading…
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2Cuvinte duhovniceşti, imne şi scrisoriPublished 2000Call Number: Loading…
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3Verhandeling over de monniksgelofte: negen hoofdstukken over de monastieke geloftePublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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4Lettere e discorsiPublished 2007Call Number: Loading…
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5The monastic discoursesPublished 1992Call Number: Loading…
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6The life and letters of Theoleptos of PhiladelphiaPublished 1994Call Number: Loading…
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7Georgiu tu Pachymerē ta heuriskomena pantaBand 1 - Ephraemii chronographi caesares et Theolepti Philadelphiensis scripta asceticaby Georgius Pachymeres 1242-1310, Ephraem Chronographus ca. um 1313, Theoleptus Philadelphiensis 1250-1324Published 1965Call Number: Loading…
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8Geōrgiu tu Pachymerē ta heuriskomena pantaBand 1 - praemittuntur Ephraemii Chronographi Caesares et Theolepti Philadelphiensis scripta asceticaby Georgius Pachymeres 1242-1310, Ephraem Chronographus ca. um 1313, Theoleptus Philadelphiensis 1250-1324Published 1865Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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9Iōannu K. Grēgoropulu Theolēptu Philadelpheias tu Homologētu (1250 - 1322) bios kai ergaCall Number: Loading…
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10The monastic discourses: A critical edition, translation and studyPublished 1992Call Number: Loading…
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11Georgiu tu Pachymerē ta heuriskomena pantaBand 1 - Ephraemii chronographi caesares et Theolepti Philadelphiensis scripta asceticaby Georgius Pachymeres 1242-1310, Ephraem Chronographus ca. um 1313, Theoleptus Philadelphiensis 1250-1324Published 1981Call Number: Loading…
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12The monastic discoursesPublished 1992Call Number: Loading…
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