The antiquities of Canterbury: In two parts. The first part. The antiquities of Canterbury; or a survey of that ancient city, with the Suburbs and Cathedral, &c. Sought out and published by the Industry and Good Will of William Somner. The second edition, revised and enlarged by Nicolas Battely, M. A. also Mr. Somner's Discourse called Chartham-News: Or a Relation of some Strange Bones found at Chartham in Kent. To which are added some Observations concerning the Roman Antiquities of Canterbury. And a Preface, giving an Account of the Works and Remains of the Learned Antiquary Mr. William Somner, by N. B. The second part. Cantuaria sacra: or the antiquities I. Of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church. II. Of the Archbishoprick. III. Of the late Priory of Christ-Church; and of the present Collegiate Church, founded by K. Hen. Viii. With a Catalogue of all the Deans and Canons thereof. IV. Of the Archdeaconry of Canterbury. V. Of the monastery of St. Augustin; of the Parish-Churches, Hospitals, and other Religious Places, that are or have been in or near that City; Enquired into, by Nicolas Battely, Vicar of Beaksborn. Illustrated and Adorned with several Useful and Fair Sculptures