Suchergebnisse - Somner, William
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1Dictionarium saxonico-latino-anglicum: 1659Veröffentlicht 1970Signatur: Wird geladen …
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2A treatise of gavelkind: both name and thing. Shewing The True Etymologie and Derivation of the One, the Nature, Antiquity, and Original of the Other. With sundry emergent Observations, both pleasant and profitable to be known of Kentish-Men and others, especially such as are studious, either of the ancient Custome, or the Common Law of this Kingdome. By (a well-willer to both) William Somner. The second edition corrected from the many errors of the former impression. To which is added, the life of the author, Written, newly revis'd, and much enlarged by the present Lord Bishop of PeterboroughVeröffentlicht 1726Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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3The antiquities of CanterburyBand 2von Somner, WilliamVeröffentlicht 1703Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
4Chartham news: or A brief relation of some strange bones there lately digged up: in some grounds of Mr. John Somner's, of Canterbury: written by his brother, Mr. William Somner, late auditor of Christ Church Canterbury, and register of the archbishops court, there; before his deathVeröffentlicht 1669Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5A treatise of gavelkind, both name and thing: shewing the true etymologie and derivation of the one, the nature, antiquity, and original of the otherVeröffentlicht 1660Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
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6A treatise of gavelkind, both name and thing: Shewing the true etymologie and derivation of the one, the nature, antiquity, and original of the other. With sundry emergent observations, both pleasant and profitable to be known of Kentish-men and others, especially such as are studious, either of the ancient custome, or the common law of this kingdomeVeröffentlicht 1659Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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7The most accurate history of the ancient city, and famous cathedral of Canterbury: Being an exact description of all the rarities in that city, suburbs, and cathedral: together, with the lives of all the arch-bishops of that See; illustrated with divers maps and figures. Published by Will. SomnerVeröffentlicht 1641Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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8The antiquities of Canterbury. Or a survey of that ancient citie, with the suburbs, and cathedrall: Containing principally matters of antiquity in them all. Collected chiefly from old manuscripts, lieger-bookes, and other like records, for the most part, never as yet printed. With an appendix here annexed: wherein (for better satisfaction to the learned) the manuscripts, and records of chiefest consequence, are faithfully exhibited. All (for the honour of that ancient metropolis, and his good affection to antiquities) sought out and published by the industry, and goodwill of William SomnerVeröffentlicht 1640Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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9Iulii Caesaris Portus Iccius illustratusVeröffentlicht 1694Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
10Julii Caesaris Portus Iccius illustratus, sive, I. Gulielmi Somneri ad Chiffletii librum de Portu Iccio responsio, nunc primum ex ms. edita, 2. Caroli Du Fresne Dissertatio de Portu IccioVeröffentlicht 1694Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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11A treatise of the roman ports and forts in Kent: To which is prefixt the life of Mr. SomnerVeröffentlicht 1693Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen (frei zugänglich)
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12A treatise of the Roman ports and forts in Kent: By William Somner. Publish'd by James Brome, M.A. rector of Cheriton, and chaplain to the Cinque-Ports. To which is prefixt the life of Mr. SomnerVeröffentlicht 1693Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
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13A treatise of gavelkind both name and thing: shewing the true etymologie and derivation of the one, the nature, antiquity, and original of the otherVeröffentlicht 1660Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
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14Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum: vocesVeröffentlicht 1659Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
15Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum: voces, phrasesque præcipuas Anglo-Saxonicas, e libris, sive manuscriptis, sive typis excusis, aliisque monumentis tum publicis tum privatis, magna diligentia collectas, cum Latina etVeröffentlicht 1659Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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16The frontispice [sic] of the Kings book opened: With a poem annexed: The in-security of Princes. Considered in an occasionall meditation upon the King's late sufferings and deathVeröffentlicht 1650Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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17The antiquities of CanterburyVeröffentlicht 1977Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
18A treatise of gavelkind: both name and thing shewing the true etymologie and derivation of the one, the nature, antiquity, and original of the otherVeröffentlicht 1726Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
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19The antiquities of CanterburyBand 1von Somner, WilliamVeröffentlicht 1703Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Buch Wird geladen … -
20The antiquities of Canterbury: In two parts. The first part. The antiquities of Canterbury; or a survey of that ancient city, with the Suburbs and Cathedral, &c. Sought out and published by the Industry and Good Will of William Somner. The second edition, revised and enlarged by Nicolas Battely, M. A. also Mr. Somner's Discourse called Chartham-News: Or a Relation of some Strange Bones found at Chartham in Kent. To which are added some Observations concerning the Roman Antiquities of Canterbury. And a Preface, giving an Account of the Works and Remains of the Learned Antiquary Mr. William Somner, by N. B. The second part. Cantuaria sacra: or the antiquities I. Of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church. II. Of the Archbishoprick. III. Of the late Priory of Christ-Church; and of the present Collegiate Church, founded by K. Hen. Viii. With a Catalogue of all the Deans and Canons thereof. IV. Of the Archdeaconry of Canterbury. V. Of the monastery of St. Augustin; of the Parish-Churches, Hospitals, and other Religious Places, that are or have been in or near that City; Enquired into, by Nicolas Battely, Vicar of Beaksborn. Illustrated and Adorned with several Useful and Fair SculpturesVeröffentlicht 1703Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
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