Search Results - Solcanu, Ion I. 1943-
- Showing 1 – 17 results of 17
1Şcoala românească în judeţele Cahul, Bolgrad şi Ismail pe durata reîntrupării la Principatele Române: (1857 - 1878)Published 2013Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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2Romanian art and society: (14th - 18th century)Published 2004Call Number: Loading…
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3Artă şi societate românească: sec. XIV - XVIIIPublished 2002Call Number: Loading…
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4Un erou din Războiul de Întregire a României: Regimentul 9 VânătoriPublished 2018Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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5Biserica VoroneţPublished 1984Call Number: Loading…
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6[Rezension von:] Barnea, Ion; Iliescu, Octavian; Nicolescu, Corina: Cultura bizantină în România : la culture byzantine en Roumanie. - Bukarest, 1971Published 1972Call Number: Loading…
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7Romanian art und society: (14th-18th century)Published 2004Call Number: Loading…
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8Artă şi societate românească (sec. XIV - XVIII)Published 2002Call Number: Loading…
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9Les instruments de musique dans la peinture murale des pays roumains (XIVe - XVIIe s.)Published 1979Call Number: Loading…
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10Biserica SolcaPublished 1977Call Number: Loading…
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11Precizări privind compoziţia votivă din pictura bisericii Sf. Ilie-SuceavaPublished 1975Call Number: Loading…
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12Romanian art and society (14th-18th century)Published 2004Call Number: Loading…
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13Romanian art and society (14th - 18th century)Published 2004Call Number: Loading…
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14[Rezension von:] Nyssen, Wilhelm: Bildgesang der Erde : Aussenfresken der Moldauklöster in Rumänien. - Trier, 1977Published 1979Call Number: Loading…
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15Représentations chorégraphiques de la peinture murale de Moldavie et leur place dans l'iconographie sud-est européenne (XVe - XVIIe siècles)Published 1976Call Number: Loading…
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16Noi consideraţiuni privind biserica de lemn de la PutnaPublished 1975Call Number: Loading…
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17Datarea şi planul bisericii de lemn de la PutnaPublished 1974Call Number: Loading…
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