Search Results - Sografi, Antonio Simeone
Antonio Simeone Sografi
Antonio Simeone Sografi, also known as Antonio Simon, or just Antonio (July 29, 1759 - January 4, 1818), was an Italian librettist and playwright.After studying and graduating in his home town of Padua, he went to Venice, where he devoted himself to writing comedies and farces, as well as both humorous and serious text for major opera composers of the time. He was an active libretto from 1789 to 1816. It also produced texts for cantatas, oratorios, dramas and sacred compositions. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Sografi called his funny booklets "comedies", rather playful dramas; this because he followed the style of the character comedies of Goldoni and refused the too obvious comedy of art comedies.
He was the brother of the surgeon Pietro Sografi. He died in Padua. Provided by Wikipedia
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1Gli Orazi e i CuriaziCall Number: Loading…
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2Una famiglia di colli torti ovvero La malattia guarita dalla morte: commedia di carattere in cinque attiPublished 1862Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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3Gli Orazj e i Curiazj: Dramma pe musicaPublished 1823Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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4Gerusalemme distrutta, S, Coro, Coro maschile, orch, Excerpts - BSB 2708: [title page:] = Aria con i Cori = // = Ombra cara a te d'intorno = // = Del Sig|e Mro Niccola Zingarelli. = // F. 9 1/2 // [later added:] ValsovaniCall Number: Loading…
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5La Morte di Mitridate, Excerpts, V (3), Coro maschile, orch, B-Dur - BSB 8040-2: [title page:] Pace Riposo e Calma // Scena e Terzetto // Del Sig: r e Sebastiano Nasolini [by another hand:] nell Opera = La morte di Mitridate. // M t r o. Seb. Nasolini di Piacenza= 1768 = 1799= Schmidl= Dir z i o n dei MusiciutiCall Number: Loading…
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6Semira, oder die Zerstörung von Jerusalem: eine Oper in zwey AufzügenPublished 1805Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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7Le nozze in Latino: Farsa ineditaPublished 1800Call Number: Loading…
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8Verter: Commedia ineditaPublished 1800Call Number: Loading…
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9Il Primo navigatore, Excerpts, V (3), orch - BSB 2283: [cover title:] Terzetto. /:Placid'aura:/ // nell' Opera: Il primo Navigatore :/ // composta // Da Frederico Enrico Himel // Maestro di Capella di Sua Maestra il re di PrußsiaCall Number: Loading…
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10Pimmalione, Excerpts, V (2), orch - BSB 3985: [title page:] Picmalione // [at the top of title page:] Mad. e de Dalberg [at the top, at right, with black ink:] N. 1Call Number: Loading…
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11Le convenienze teatrali: FarsaPublished 1799Call Number: Loading…
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12Pygmalion: Eine einstimmige Oper in zwey AktenPublished 1791Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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13PygmalionPublished 1996Call Number: Loading…
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14I Ciarlatani per mestiere: commediaPublished 1832Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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15Olivo e PasqualePublished 1831Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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16Gli Orazi ed i Curiazi, V (2), orch, Excerpts - BSB 3042: [short score, title page:] Duetto // "Svenami ormai, crudele" // per Soprano e Tenore con stromenti // nell'Opera // Gli Orazii ed i Curiazi // di // Domenico CimarosaCall Number: Loading…
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18Le Danaidi romane: DrammaPublished 1816Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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19L'uomo di quarant'anni, V (2), orch, Excerpts - BSB 2597: [title page:] Duetto // / Quel che adora / // Del Sig: Vittorio TrentoCall Number: Loading…
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20Die Eroberung von Jerusalem: Oper in zwey AufzügenPublished 1814Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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