Search Results - Sihtola, Hannes
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1Eine Untersuchung über die Hydrolyse der Cellulose in konzentrierten ZnCl2-LösungenPublished 1944Call Number: Loading…
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2Durch Wärmebehandlung verursachte chemische Veränderungen in Cellulose und Regeneratfasern: 5. Mitteilung über Untersuchungen an Carbonylgruppen in CellulosePublished 1965Call Number: Loading…
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3Monosaccharides in technical sulphite cooking liquorPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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4Determination of the percentage of birch fibres in mixed pulpsPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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5Carboxyl groups and cations as factors affecting the yellowing of cellulose: 3rd communication on the yellowing of pulpPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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6Av, ein neuer Verstopfungswert für Viskose und seine einfache Bestimmung mit einem automatischen FiltriergerätPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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7Chlorine dioxide in the bleaching of dissolving pulps: 4th communication on dissolving pulpsPublished 1957Call Number: Loading…
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8On the yellowing of pulp: 2nd communicationPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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9Investigations into the control of viscosity in the bleaching of viscose pulps: 7th communication on investigations on the preparation of dissolving pulpsPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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10The influence of chlorine dioxide on the yellowing of cellulose: 4th communication on the yellowing of pulpPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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11Über die Einwirkung der Oxydation auf das Verhältnis zwischen den als Nitrat und in alkalischer Lösung gemessenen Viskositäten der CellulosePublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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12On the peroxide bleaching of viscose pulps: 5th communication on investigations on the preparation of dissolving pulpsPublished 1958Call Number: Loading…
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13A method for the determination of x-viscosity by means of slurry steeping and by the ageing of alkali cellulose: 7th communication on investigations into the viscose processPublished 1958Call Number: Loading…
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14The behaviour of 0-fibres during the bleaching process and their influence on the filterability of viscose: 3rd communication on dissolving pulpsPublished 1957Call Number: Loading…
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15Present trends in the laboratory testing of dissolving pulps: = (Dissolvingmassojen laboratoriokoetuksen nykyisestä suuntauksesta)Published 1966Call Number: Loading…
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16The catalytic degradation of cellulose in the bleaching of viscose pulps: 6th communication on investigations on the preparation of dissolving pulpsPublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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17On the influence of substitution upon the "acidity" of cellulosePublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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18Die Bestimmung der Vorreifegeschwindigkeit der AlkalicellulosePublished 1959Call Number: Loading…
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19On the peroxide bleaching of sulphite pulpPublished 1958Call Number: Loading…
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20Mäntyrotu Keski-Suomesta selluloosapuuksi Pohjois-Suomeen: = Pine species from Middle Finland as pulp wood in Northern FinlandPublished 1958Call Number: Loading…
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