Whereas it has been much practised of late by persons unqualified and unauthorised to shoot and destroy the game on the manor of Stoke-Fleming: -: Be it known, That after this Public Notice, any Person or Persons who shall be found to hunt, shoot, or destroy the game thereon (not being duly authorised by John Seale, Esq. Lord of the said Manor), will be prosecuted as the Law directs; and for Discovery of such Offender or Offenders, A Reward of Five Guineas, is offered to any Person or Persons who shall give Information to the said John Seale, Esq. or to his Steward of the said Manor, of any such Offender or Offenders, so as he or they may be prosecuted to Conviction. Given under my Hand this 3d Day of January, 1799. John Seale