Suchergebnisse - Saunders, Richard
Richard Saunders
Richard Clive Saunders (* 22. Juli 1922 in Hamilton, Bermuda; † 20. August 1987) war ein bermudischer Fotograf, der für seine Arbeit als Fotojournalist und Dokumentarfotograf bekannt war. Seine Fotografien erschienen in renommierten Publikationen wie Life, The New York Times, Paris Match, Fortune, Look, Ebony und der Zeitschrift ''Topic'' der United States Information Agency (USIA). Veröffentlicht in Wikipedia- Treffer 1 – 20 von 136
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1American faces: a cultural history of portraiture and identityVeröffentlicht 2016Signatur: Wird geladen …Inhaltsverzeichnis
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2Never been rich: the life and work of a southern ruralist writer, Harry Harrison KrollVeröffentlicht 2011Signatur: Wird geladen …Inhaltsverzeichnis
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3World checklist of dioscoreales: yams and their alliesVeröffentlicht 2007Signatur: Wird geladen …Inhaltsverzeichnis
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5Notes on rabbit internal medicineVeröffentlicht 2005Signatur: Wird geladen …
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7The railroad mergers and the coming of ConrailVeröffentlicht 1978Signatur: Wird geladen …
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8Poor Richard revivd [sic]. Being an astronomical diary, or almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1801: ... Calculated for latitude 41$ 30, n. longitude 70$ 30 w. But may serve for either of the towns in Connecticut, or the adjacent statesVeröffentlicht 1800Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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9The English apollo: Or, Useful companion: assisting all persons in the right understanding the science of time, past, present, and to come. Particularly applied to this present year 1777; being the first year after Bissextile, or leap-year. Containing a compleat English kalendar; the times of the sun's rising and setting; the rising and setting of the moon, planets, and the fixed stars; the moon's southing, and time of full sea at all the principal ports in England, and other parts of Europe; the increase and decrease of days; the regulation of clocks and watches; and other things necessary in a work of this nature. To which is added, an exact account of the eclipses, with an astrological judgment thereof, and various seasons of the year; a curious chronology from the beginning of time; some necessary tables; and other particulars both useful and entertaining. By Richard Saunders, gentVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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10The English apollo: or, useful companion: assisting all persons In the right Understanding the Science of Time, Past, Present, and to Come. Particularly applied to this Present Year 1773; Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. Containing A Compleat English Kalendar; the Times of the Sun's Rising and Setting; the Rising and Setting of the Moon, Planets, and Fixed Stars; the Moon's Southing, and Time of Full Sea at all the principal Ports in England, and other Parts of Europe; the Increase and Decrease of Days; the Regulation of Clocks and Watches; and other Things necessary in a Work of this Nature. To which is added, An exact Account of the Eclipses, and various Seasons of the Year; a curious Chronology from the Beginning of Time; some necessary Tables; and other Particulars both Useful and Entertaining. By Richard Saunders, GentVeröffentlicht 1773Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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11Merging lines: American railroads ; 1900-1970Veröffentlicht 2001Signatur: Wird geladen …Inhaltsverzeichnis
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12Metamorphoses of the Proustian body: a study in bodily signs in A la recherche du temps perduVeröffentlicht 1994Signatur: Wird geladen …Inhaltsverzeichnis
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Buch -
13Ambrose Bierce: the making of a misanthropeVeröffentlicht 1985Signatur: Wird geladen …
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14Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. Assisting All Persons in the Right Understanding of this Year's Revolutions, as also of Things past, present, and to come. A Twofold Kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian or Foreign Computations, more plain and full than any other; with the Rising and Setting of the Sun, the Nightly Rising and Setting of the Moon, and also her Southing, exactly calculated for every Day. Of General Use for most Men. Being Third after Bissextiles or Leap-Year. To which is added the Moon's Application to the fixed Stars: With the Calculations of the Eclipses: Also Rules and Tables for the Measuring of Timber: With many other things both pleasant, useful, and necessary. Calculated according to Art, and fitted to the Meridian of Leicester, whose Latitude is 52 Degrees, 41 Minutes, exactly fitting all the middle Counties of England, and, without sensible Error, the whole Kingdom. By Richard Saunder, Student in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The Five and Fortieth Impression of the same AuthorVeröffentlicht 1731Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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15Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo Assisting All Persons in the Right Understanding of this Year's Revolutions, as also of Things past, present, and to come. A twofold Kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian or Foreign Computations, more plain and full than any other; with the Rising and Setting of the Sun, the Nightly Rising and Setting of the Moon, and also her Southing, exactly calculated for every Day. Of General Use for most Men. Being Second after Bissextile, or Leap-Year To which is added the Moon's Application to the fixed Stars: With the Calculations of the Eclipses: Also Rules and Tables for the Measuring of Timber: With many other things both pleasant, useful, and necessary. Calculated according to Art, and fitted to the Meridian of Leicester, whose Latitude is 52 Degrees, 41 Minutes, exactly fitting all the middle Counties of England, and, without sensible Error, the whole Kingdom. By Richard Saunder. Student in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The Four and Fortieth Impression of the same AuthorVeröffentlicht 1730Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
16Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo. [...] Assisting [...] ing of this year's revolutions, as also of things past, present, and to come. [...] and Gregorian or Foreign computations, more plain and full than any other; with the rising and setting of the sun, the nightly rising and setting of the moon, and also her southing, exactly calculated for every day. Of general use for most men. [...] To which is added the moon's application to the fixed stars: with the calculations of the eclipses: also rules and tables for the measuring of timber: with many other things both pleasant, useful, and necessary. [...] Meridian of Leicester, whose latitude is 52 degrees, 41 minutes, exactly [f]itting all the middle counties of England, and, without sensible error, the whole kingdom. By Richard Saunder, [...] Student in the physical and mathematical sciences. The [one] and fortieth impression of the same authorVeröffentlicht 1727Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
171712. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo: Assisting persons in the right understanding of this years revolutions, as also of things past, present, and to come. [With] necessary tables, plain and useful. ... twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian, or foreign computations, more ... and full than any other, with the rising and setting of the sun, the nightly rising and setting of the moon, and also her southing, exactly calculated for every day. Of general use for most men. Being bissextile, or leap-year. [To] which is added the moon's application to the ... stars: with the calculation of the eclipses: also ... for the measuring of timber: with many other ... both pleasant, useful, and necessary. The twenty ninth impression of the same author. Calculated according to art, and fitted to the meridian of Leicester, whose latitude is 52 degrees, 41 minutes, exactly fitting all the middle countries of England, and without sensible error the whole kingdom. [By] Richard Saunder, [a student] in the Physical and Mathematical SciencesVeröffentlicht 1712Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
181711. Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo: Assisting all persons in the right understanding of this years revolutions, as also of things past, present, and to come. With necessary tables, plain and useful, a twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian or foreign computations, more plain and full than any other, with the rising and setting of the sun, the nightly rising and setting of the moon, and also her southing, exactly calculated for every day. Of general use for most men. Being third after bissextile, or leap-year To which is added the moon's application to the fixed stars: with the calculation of the eclipses: also tables for the measuring of timber: with many other things both pleasant, useful, and necessary. Calculated according to art, and fitted to the meridian of Leicester, whose latitude is 52 degrees, 41 minutes, exactly fitting all the middle countries of England, and without sensible error the whole kingdom. By Richard Saunder, student in the Physical and Mathematical SciencesVeröffentlicht 1711Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book -
19Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo, ... By Richard SaunderVeröffentlicht 1704Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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20Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo, ... by Richard SaunderVeröffentlicht 1701Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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Elektronisch E-Book