Search Results - Sagard, Gabriel
Gabriel Sagard

Sagard's origins, and the dates of his birth and death are obscure. Some historians say he was christened Théodat, others believe that Théodat was his religious name, which, however, is less likely as his signature on his works is under the name of Gabriel (see illustration).
Sagard arrived in New France 28 June 1623. He was sent to accompany Father Nicholas Viel, where they joined four other members of their Order who had been there since 1615, led by Father Denis Jamet. In August, Sagard traveled to a Huron village on the southern shore of Lake Huron, where he began his missionary work and study of the Huron language. In July 1624, he was ordered by his superiors to return to France. All record of him ends some time around 1636. Sagard seems to have either left the Order or he may simply have died while still a friar. Sagard worked with the Hurons.
Sagard is remembered for his writings on New France and the Hurons-Wyandot people, ' (Paris, 1632). His ' (1636) included a revised and expanded ' and ' (Dictionary of the Huron Language). An English translation of '''' by historian George M. Wrong was published by the Champlain Society in 1939 as ''Sagard's long journey to the country of the Hurons''. It is available online at the Champlain Society website. An authoritative edition of the dictionary of the Huron language was edited by John Steckley and published in 2009.
In 2022, environmental historians Jennifer Bonnell and Sean Kheraf cited Gabriel Sagard – and specifically his description of giving a French domestic cat, which was exotic and non-indigenous creature North America, to his Indigenous Wendat hosts in 1632. They suggested that Sagard's gift functioned as both a "tool of diplomacy" and a "creature of empire" and that it also "illustrate[d] the methodological challenges at the heart of the [growing] field of animal history."
The geographic township of Sagard in Quebec, Canada, was named in his honour. Provided by Wikipedia
- Showing 1 – 15 results of 15
1Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons: situé en l'Amérique vers la mer douce, és derniers confins de la nouvelle France, dite Canada ; avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneBand 2by Sagard, GabrielPublished 1865Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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2(Le grand voyage du pays de Hvrons, situé en l'Amérique vers la Mer douce, és derniers confins de la nouuelle France, dite Canada, franz.u.engl.) The long journey to the country of the HuronsPublished 1968Call Number: Loading…
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3Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons: situé en l'Amérique vers la mer douce, és derniers confins de la nouvelle France, dite Canada ; avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneBand 1by Sagard, GabrielPublished 1865Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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4Trois voyages au CanadaCall Number: Loading…
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5Histoire du Canada et voyages que les Frères Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conversion des infidèles depuis l'an 1615: avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneBand 1/2by Sagard, GabrielPublished 1866Call Number: Loading…
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6Dictionnaire de la langue huronnePublished 1865Call Number: Loading…
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7Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons: situé en l'Amérique vers la mer douce, ès derniers confins de la Nouvelle France, dite Canada ; avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneCall Number: Loading…
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8Le grand voyage du pays des HuronsPublished 1990Call Number: Loading…
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9The long journey to the country of the HuronsPublished 1939Call Number: Loading…
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10Una composizione musicale per i selvaggi Huroni: d'uno dei primi missionari del Canadà ; cioè il francescano frate Gabriele Sagard Teodato al principio del secolo XVIIPublished 1890Call Number: Loading…
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11Histoire du Canada et voyages que les Frères Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conversion des infidèles depuis l'an 1615: avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneBand 3/4by Sagard, GabrielPublished 1866Call Number: Loading…
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12Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons: situé en l'Amérique vers la mer douce, ès derniers confins de la Nouvelle France, dite Canada ; avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneBand 1by Sagard, GabrielPublished 1865Call Number: Loading…
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13Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons: situé en l'Amérique vers la mer douce, ès derniers confins de la Nouvelle France, dite Canada ; avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneBand 2by Sagard, GabrielPublished 1865Call Number: Loading…
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14Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons: situé en l'Amérique vers la mer douce, és derniers confins de la nouvelle France, dite Canada ; avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneCall Number: Loading…
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15Histoire du Canada et voyages que les Frères Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conversion des infidèles depuis l'an 1615: avec un dictionnaire de la langue huronneCall Number: Loading…
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