Search Results - Roth, Philip
Philip Roth

Roth was one of the most honored American writers of his generation. He received the National Book Critics Circle award for ''The Counterlife,'' the PEN/Faulkner Award for ''Operation Shylock'', ''The Human Stain,'' and ''Everyman'', a second National Book Award for ''Sabbath's Theater'', and the Pulitzer Prize for ''American Pastoral''. In 2001, Roth received the inaugural Franz Kafka Prize in Prague. In 2005, the Library of America began publishing his complete works, making him the second author so anthologized while still living, after Eudora Welty. Harold Bloom named him one of the four greatest American novelists of his day, along with Cormac McCarthy, Thomas Pynchon, and Don DeLillo. James Wood wrote: "More than any other post-war American writer, Roth wrote the self—the self was examined, cajoled, lampooned, fictionalized, ghosted, exalted, disgraced but above all constituted by and in writing. Maybe you have to go back to the very different Henry James to find an American novelist so purely a bundle of words, so restlessly and absolutely committed to the investigation and construction of life through language... He would not cease from exploration; he could not cease, and the varieties of fiction existed for him to explore the varieties of experience." Provided by Wikipedia
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