Antiqu? lingu? Britannic? thesaurus: being a British, or Welsh-English dictionary: Containing Some Thousands of British Words more than any Welsh Dictionary hitherto published. All the Authorities or Examples which the learned Doctor Davies gives, in his British-Latin Dictionary, from ancient Poets, Historians, &c. are inserted in This, as they are accurate Proofs of the Significations assigned to those Words; and the Words which are added, are often exemplified in the same Manner. And to make this Work more compleat, besides the Explications and Etymologies of Words, many valuable British Antiquities are interspersed through All the Parts of it. To which is prefixed, a compendious and comprehensive Welsh grammar, Wherein the Principles of the Welsh Tongue are explained by short and easy English Rules, in so plain a Method, that the Reader may with great Facility attain to the Knowledge of the Nature and Genius of this Ancient Language of the Aborigines of Great Britain. Besides the Author's Collections from his own Reading and Observations, and what is contained in Dr Davies's British-Latin Dictionary, This Work hath been greatly Improved out of Mr Edward Lhwyd's Arthaologia Britannica, Doctor Wotton's Glossary, &c. -And there is likewise added, A Large Collection of British Proverbs. By Thomas Richards, Curate of Coychurch