Search Results - Röhm, Ernst
Ernst Röhm

Born in Munich, Röhm joined the Royal Bavarian Army in 1906 and fought in the First World War. He was wounded in action three times and received the Iron Cross First Class. After the war, he continued his military career as a captain in the and provided assistance to Franz Ritter von Epp's . In 1919, Röhm joined the German Workers' Party, the precursor of the Nazi Party, and became a close associate of Adolf Hitler. Using his military connections, he helped build up several paramilitary groups in service of Hitler, one of which became the SA. In 1923, he took part in Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch to seize governmental power in Munich and was given a suspended prison sentence. After a stint as a deputy, Röhm broke with Hitler in 1925 over the future direction of the Nazi Party. He resigned from all positions and emigrated to Bolivia, where he served as an advisor to the Bolivian Army.
In 1930, at Hitler's request, Röhm returned to Germany and was officially appointed chief of staff of the SA in 1931. He reorganised the SA, which numbered over a million members, and continued its campaign of political violence against communists, rival political parties, Jews and other groups deemed hostile to the Nazi agenda. At the same time, opposition to Röhm intensified as his homosexuality gradually became public knowledge. Nevertheless, he retained the trust of Hitler for a time. After Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Röhm was named a , the second highest political rank in the Nazi Party, and appointed to the Reich cabinet as a without portfolio.
As the Nazi government began to consolidate its rule, the tension between Röhm and Hitler escalated. Throughout 1933 and 1934, Röhm's rhetoric became increasingly radical as he called for a "second revolution" that would transform German society, alarming Hitler's powerful industrial allies. He also demanded more power for the SA, which the saw as a growing threat to its position. Hitler came to see his long-time ally as a rival and liability, and made the decision to eliminate him with the assistance of SS leaders Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich. On 30 June 1934, the entire SA leadership were purged by the SS during an event known as the Night of the Long Knives. Röhm was taken to Stadelheim Prison and shot on 1 July. Provided by Wikipedia
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1Beiträge zur Anatomie der OryzoideenPublished 1960Call Number: Loading…
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2Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1934Call Number: Loading…
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3Den nasjonalsocialistiske Revolusjon og S.A.Published 1934Call Number: Loading…
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4Warum SA?: Rede vor dem Diplomatischen Korps am 7. Dezember 1933 zu BerlinPublished 1933Call Number: Loading…
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5Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1930Call Number: Loading…
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6Die nationalsozialistische Revolution und die SA: Rede des Reichsministers Ernst Röhm vor dem Diplomatischen Korps und der Auslandspresse in Berlin am 18. April 1934Published 1934Call Number: Loading…
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7Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1934Call Number: Loading…
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8Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1928Call Number: Loading…
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9Stammtafel der Familie RöhmPublished 1927Call Number: Loading…
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10Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1934Call Number: Loading…
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11Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1933Call Number: Loading…
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12Drei Briefe Ernst Röhms an Dr. Karl Günter Heimsoth, 1928 - 29Published 1932Call Number: Loading…
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13Der Fall RöhmPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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14Pourquoi les SA?: Discours prononcé le 7. décembre 1933, a Berlin, devant le Corps diplomatiquePublished 1933Call Number: Loading…
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15Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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16Beiträge zur Anatomie der OryzoideenPublished 1960Call Number: Loading…
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17Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1934Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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18Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1934Call Number: Loading…
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19Die Geschichte eines HochverrätersPublished 1933Call Number: Loading…
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20Der Ausbau der Landwirtschaftskammern und die Vertretung der landwirtschaftlichen Arbeitnehmer: (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der bayrischen Verhältnisse)Published 1921Call Number: Loading…
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