Search Results - Prideaux, John
John Prideaux

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1The Natural History of PigeonsPublished 1835Call Number: Loading…
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2A synopsis of councelsPublished 1681Call Number: Loading…
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3Ad nobilissimum dominum D. Joannem Roberts, ... epistolaPublished 1660Call Number: Loading…
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4Euchologia: or, the doctrine of practical praying. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Prideaux, late Bishop of Worcester. Being a legacy left to his daughters in private, directing them to such manifold uses of our common-prayer-book, as may satisfie upon all occasions without looking after new lights from extemporal flashesPublished 1660Call Number: Loading…
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5Reverendi in Christo Patris Joannis Prideaux D. Episcopi Vigorniensis ad nobilissimum dominum D. Joannem Roberts, Baronem Truro, de episcopatu epistolaPublished 1660Call Number: Loading…
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6Syneidēsilogia ̇or, The doctrine of conscience: framed according to the points of the catechisme, in the Book of Common-PrayerPublished 1656Call Number: Loading…
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7A synopsis of councelsPublished 1654Call Number: Loading…
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8Fasciculus, controversiarum theologicarumPublished 1652Call Number: Loading…
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9Conciliorum synopsisPublished 1651Call Number: Loading…
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10Scholasticae theologicae syntagma mnemonicumPublished 1651Call Number: Loading…
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11Conciliorum synopsisPublished 1651Call Number: Loading…
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12Hypomnemata logicaPublished 1650Call Number: Loading…
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13Fasciculus, controversiarvm theologicarvm, ad juniorum: aut occupatorum captum sic colligatus, ut in præcipuis fidei apicibus compendiosè informentur, aut sparsim aliàs lecta vel audita, faciliùs recolant & expendant. Per Johannem Prideaux, haud ita pridèm aud Oxonienses S. T. Professorem Regium, & posteà Episcopum WigorniensemPublished 1649Call Number: Loading…
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14Viginti-duae lectionesPublished 1648Call Number: Loading…
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15Conciones sex ad Artium Baccalaureos habitae: in Die Cinerum pro more in Templo B. Mariæ, ante publicas in scholis disputationes, per totam infequentem quadragefimam ab illis continuandosPublished 1648Call Number: Loading…
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16Nine sermonsPublished 1641Call Number: Loading…
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17Tabulae ad grammatica Graeca introductoriaePublished 1639Call Number: Loading…
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18Tabulæ ad grammatica Græca introductoriæ: in quibus succinctè compingitur, brevissima, sed tamen expedita, singularum partium orationis declinabilium, variandi ratioPublished 1639Call Number: Loading…
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19The first fruits of the resurrection: A sermonPublished 1636Call Number: Loading…
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20A plot for preferment: SermonPublished 1636Call Number: Loading…
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