Search Results - Nordgård, O. 1862-1931
- Showing 1 – 8 results of 8
1Report on Norwegian Marine Investigations 1895 - 97: Bergens MuseumPublished 1899Call Number: Loading…
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2PolyzoaPublished 1900Call Number: Loading…
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3Hydrographical and biological investigations in Norwegian fiordsPublished 1905Call Number: Loading…
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4Den norske Nordhavs-Expedition: 1876-1878Syvende Bind - Zoologi. Botanikby Huitfeld-Kaas, Hartvig, Bonnevie, Kristine 1872-1948, Kiær, Johan 1869-1931, Hjort, Johan 1869-1948, Nordgård, O. 1862-1931, Kiær, Hans, Friele, Herman 1838-1921, Grieg, James Alexandersøn, Schmelck, Ludvig Henrik Benjamin 1857-1916, Gran, Haakon Hasberg 1870-1955Published 1896Call Number: Loading…
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5Contribution to the study of hydrography and biology on the coast of Norway: With 1 platePublished 1899Call Number: Loading…
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6Trindhjems biologiske Stasjon: 1900 - 1925Published 1926Call Number: Loading…
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7Copepoda collected on the cruise of the M/S Armauer Hansen in the North Atlantic 1913Published 1921Call Number: Loading…
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8Faunistiske og biologiske iakttagelser ved den biologiske station i BergenPublished 1912Call Number: Loading…
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