Search Results - Nicolson, William 1655-1727
William Nicolson

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1The London diaries of William Nicolson, Bishop of Carlisle, 1702 - 1718Published 1985Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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2Letters on various subjects, literary, political and ecclesiastical to and from William Nicolson, DD., successively Bishop of Carlisle and of Derry and Archbishop of Cashell: including the correspondence of several eminent prelates from 1683 to 1726-7 inclusive ; in two volumesBand 1by Nicolson, William 1655-1727Published 1809Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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3The irish historical library: Pointing at most of the authors and records in print or manuscript, which may be serviceable to the compilers of a general history of Ireland. By William, Lord Bishop of DerryPublished 1724Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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4Faith and good works: A sermon Preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, Sheriff, Recorder, and Governours Of the several Hospitals in the City of London; at St. Bridget's Church, on Easter-Munday, April 2. 1716. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Bishop of Carlile, and Lord Almoner to His MajestyPublished 1716Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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5Faith and Good Works: A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, sheriff, recorder, and Governours of the several hospitals in the city of London; at St. Bridget's Church on Munday [sic], April 2. 1716. Being one of the anniversary spittal sermons. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William, lord bishop of Carlile, and Lord Almoner to His MajestyPublished 1716Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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6Of the medals and coins of ScotlandPublished 1700Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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7A sermon preach'd at Bow-Church, London: on Monday, Decemb. 30. 1706. Before the Societies for the Reformation of Manners. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Lord Bishop of Carlisle. Published at their RequestPublished 1709Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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8Short remarks on a paper of reasons against the passing of the bill for avoiding of doubts and questions, touching the statutes of divers cathedral and collegiate churchesPublished 1708Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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9A sermon preach'd at Bow-Church, London: On Monday, Dec. 30. 1706. before the Societies for Reformation of Manners. Publish'd at their Request. By the Right Reverend Father in God William Lord Bishop of CarlislePublished 1706Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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10The blessings of the sixth year: A sermon Preach'd before the Queen at St. James's Chappel, on Saturday the Eighth of March, 1706/7. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Lord Bishop of Carlile. Publish'd by Her Majesty's special CommandPublished 1707Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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11The blessings of the sixth year: A sermon preach'd before the Queen at St. James's Chappel, on her inauguration day, two days after passing the union act. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Lord Bishop of Carlile. Pubslish'd by Her Majesty's special commandPublished 1707Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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12A sermon preach'd before the Rt Honble the Lords ... in the Collegiate church of Westminster, on Saturday, the thirtieth day of January, MDCCII. ... By William Lord Bishop of CarlilePublished 1702Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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13The Scottish Historical Library: Containing a Short View and Character of most of the Writers, Records, Registers, Law-Books ...Published 1702Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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14A letter to the Reverend Dr. White Kennet: D.D. In Defence of The English Historical Library: against The Unmannerly and Slanderous Objections of Mr. Francis Atterbury, Preacher at the rolls, In his New Theory of the Rights, Powers and Priviledges of an English Convocation. By W. Nicolson, Arch-Deacon of CarlilePublished 1702Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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15The scottish historical library: containing a short view and character of most of the writers, records, registers, law-books, &c. Which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of Scotland, down to the union of the two kingdoms in K. James the VI. By W. Nicolson, Arch-Deacon of CarlislePublished 1702Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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16The English historical libraryBand 1. [ca. 1697]. - 274 Nicolson, William 1655-1727Published 1697Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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17The English historical library, or, A short view and character of most of the writers now extant, either in print or manuscript: which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of this kingdomPublished 1697Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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18The English historical library; Part II: giving a catalogue of the most of our ecclesiastical historians, and some critical reflections upon the chief of themPublished 1697Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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19Letters on various subjects, ...Band 1by Nicolson, William 1655-1727Published 1809Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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20Leges Marchiarum, or border-laws: containing several original articles and treaties, made and agreed upon by the commissioners of the respective kings of England and Scotland, for the Better Preservation of Peace and Commerce upon the Marches of both Kingdoms: from the reign of Henry III. to the union of the two crowns in King James I. With a preface, and an appendix of Charters and Records relating to the said Treaties. By William Lord Bishop of CarlilePublished 1747Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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