Search Results - Newman, Francis W.
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1A Handbook of Modern Arabic: consisting of a Practical Grammar, with Numerous Examples, Dialogues, and Newspaper Extracts; in a European TypePublished 1866Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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2Theism, doctrinal and practical; or didactic religious utterancesPublished 1858Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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3Die Seele, ihr Leiden und ihr Sehnen: ein Versuch zur Naturgeschichte der Seele, als der wahren Grundlage für die TheologiePublished 1850Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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4Europe of the Near Future: With three Letters on the Franco-German War. By Francis W. NewmanPublished 1871Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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5An appeal to the middle classes on the urgent necessity of numerous radical reforms, financial and organicPublished 1848Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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6Anglo-Saxon abolition of Negro slaveryPublished 1969Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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