Search Results - Moles, Abraham A. 1920-1992
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1Informationstheorie und ästhetische WahrnehmungPublished 1971Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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2Psychologie des KitschesPublished 1972Call Number: Loading…
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3Théorie structurale de la communication et sociétéPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…
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4Labyrinthes du vécu: l'espace, matière d'actionsPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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5Psychologie des KitschesPublished 1972Call Number: Loading…
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6Art et ordinateurPublished 1971Call Number: Loading…
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7Erstes Manifest der permutationellen KunstPublished 1962Call Number: Loading…
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8La création scientifiquePublished 1957Call Number: Loading…
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9Les sciences de l'imprécisPublished 1990Call Number: Loading…
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10Psychologie de l'espacePublished 1978Call Number: Loading…
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11Micropsychologie et vie quotidiennePublished 1976Call Number: Loading…
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12Soziodynamik der Kultur (Soziodynamique de la culture, dt.) Dt., rev.Published 1976Call Number: Loading…
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13Láffiche dans la société urbainePublished 1970Call Number: Loading…
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14Sociodynamique de la culturePublished 1967Call Number: Loading…
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15Information theory and esthetic perceptionPublished 1966Call Number: Loading…
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16Industrielle SoziometriePublished 1965Call Number: Loading…
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17Psychologie du kitsch: l'art du bonheurPublished 2016Call Number: Loading…
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18Límage, communication fonctionnellePublished 1981Call Number: Loading…
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19Théorie des actesPublished 1977Call Number: Loading…
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20Kunst & ComputerPublished 1973Call Number: Loading…
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