Search Results - Marjanović-Dušanić, Smilja 1963-
Smilja Marjanović-Dušanić
Smilja Marjanović-Dušanić (; born 29 March 1963) is a Serbian historian and professor at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy. She is specializing in medieval studies.Marjanović-Dušanić was born in Belgrade, SR Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia. She received her Master's degree in 1986, and Master of Advanced Studies in 1991, from the University of Belgrade. Awarded with a Doctorate in 1996 with the work ''Vladarska ideologija Nemanjića: diplomatička studija'', she started working as a Docent in the Department of History at the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy the next year. She was re-elected Docent in 2003. Provided by Wikipedia
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1L' écriture et la sainteté dans la Serbie médiévale: études d'hagiographiePublished 2017Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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2Sveto i propadljivo: telo u srpskoj hagiografskoj književnosti = Sacred and corruptible : the body in Serbian hagiographyСвето и пропадљиво тело у српској хагиографској књижевностиby Marjanović-Dušanić, Smilja 1963-Published 2017Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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3Vladarska ideologija Nemanjića: diplomatička studijaPublished 1997Call Number: Loading…
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4Vladarske insignije i državna simbolika u Srbiji od XIII do XV vekaPublished 1994Call Number: Loading…
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5Daily life in Medieval SerbiaPublished 2016Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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6Sveti kralj: kult Stefana DečanskogPublished 2007Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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7The model of empire: the idea and image of authority in Serbia (1299-1371)Published 2016Call Number: Loading…
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8La charte et l'espace sacré: les actes royaux transcrits dans les peintures murales serbes (XIIIe - XIVe siècles) et leur contexte symboliquePublished 2010Call Number: Loading…
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9La mémoire d'un rituel: sur le rôle des reliques dans le couronnement du roi serbePublished 2019Call Number: Loading…
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10Harizma i autoritet: skica za hagiografski portret svetog SaveХаризма и ауторитет скица за хагиографски портрет светог Савеby Marjanović-Dušanić, Smilja 1963-Published 2015Call Number: Loading…
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11Charisma and authority: toward a hagiographic portrait of St. SavaPublished 2015Call Number: Loading…
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12The monastery of Dečani: sacred space and the centre of pilgrimagePublished 2008Call Number: Loading…
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13L'idéologie monarchique dans les chartes de la dynastie serbe des Némanides (1168-1371): étude diplomatiquePublished 2006Call Number: Loading…
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14Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies: Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016 : plenary papersPublished 2016Other Authors: “…Marjanović-Dušanić, Smilja 1963-…”
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15Sveti kralj Milutin: vladar na raskršćima svetova = The sainted King Milutin : monarch at the crossroads of worldsСвети краљ Милутин владар на раскршћима световаPublished 2022Other Authors: “…Marjanović-Dušanić, Smilja 1963-…”
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