Search Results - Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860
Christian Lobeck

Lobeck was born at Naumburg, in the Electorate of Saxony. After studying at the universities of Jena and Leipzig, he became ''Privatdozent'' at the University of Wittenberg in 1802, and in 1810 was appointed to a professorship there. Four years later, he accepted the chair of rhetoric and ancient literature at Königsberg, which he occupied till within two years of his death.
His literary activities were devoted to the history of Greek religion and to the Greek language and literature. His most important work, ''Aglaophamus'' (1829), maintains, against the views put forward by G. F. Creuzer in his ''Symbolik'' (1810–1823), that the religion of the Greek mysteries (especially those of Eleusis) did not essentially differ from the national religion; that it was not esoteric, and that the priests as such neither taught nor possessed any higher knowledge of God; that the Oriental elements were a later importation. In his treatment of Orphic literature, he argued that the evidence left by the Neoplatonists cannot necessarily be considered to "represent the oldest strands of Orphic ideas". According to Radcliffe Edmonds, it is with Lobeck's work that the "history of modern Orphic scholarship begins".
Lobeck's edition of the ''Ajax'' of Sophocles (1809) had gained him a reputation a scholar and critic; his ''Phrynichus'' (1820), ''Paralipomena grammaticae Graecae'' (vol. I–II; 1837), ''Pathologiae sermonis Graeci prolegomena'' (1843), and ''Pathologiae Graeci sermonis elementa'' (vol. I–II; 1853–62) reveal his wide acquaintance with Greek grammar. He had little sympathy with comparative philology, holding that it needed a lifetime to acquire a thorough knowledge of a single language.
See the article by L. Friedländer in ''Allgemeine deutsche Biographie''; Conrad Bursian's ''Geschichte der klassischen Philologie in Deutschland'' (1883); Lehrs, ''Populäre Aufsätze aus dem Altertum'' (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1875); Lüdwich, ''Ausgewählte Briefe von und an Chr. Aug. Lobeck und K. Lehrs''' (1894); also JE Sandys, ''History of Classical Scholarship'' (1st ed. 1908). Provided by Wikipedia
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1Aglaophamus: drei Bücher über die Grundlagen der Mysterienreligion der Griechen mit einer Sammlung der Fragmente der orphischen DichterBand 1by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1961Call Number: Loading…
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2Aglaophamus: drei Bücher über die Grundlagen der Mysterienreligion der Griechen mit einer Sammlung der Fragmente der orphischen DichterBand 2by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1961Call Number: Loading…
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3Pathologiae Graeci sermonis elementaBand 1 - Dissertationes de prosthesi et aphaeresi, de syncope, de porectasi, de metathesi, de parathesi et scriptura hyphenby Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1853Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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4De Graecorum vocabulorum metathesiBand 1by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1850Call Number: Loading…
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5De Graecorum vocabulorum metathesiBand 2by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1850Call Number: Loading…
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6De vocabulorum Graecorum parathesiBand 1by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1848Call Number: Loading…
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7Rēmatikon sive verborum Graecorum et nominum verbalium technologiaPublished 1846Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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8Pathologiae sermonis Graeci prolegomenaPublished 1843Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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9De verbis quintae coniugationisPublished 1843Call Number: Loading…
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10De terminationum tertiae Graecorum declinationis vicissitudine: diss. ...Band 4by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1840Call Number: Loading…
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11De nominum Graecorum terminationibus epentheticis: disputatio ...Band 1by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1840Call Number: Loading…
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12De nominum Graecorum terminationibus epentheticis: disputatio ...Band 2by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1840Call Number: Loading…
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13De verborum Graeci sermonis non purorum descriptione: diss. ...Band 4by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1839Call Number: Loading…
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14De terminationum tertiae Graecorum declinationis vicissitudine: diss. ...Band 2by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1839Call Number: Loading…
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15De nominibus in inos exeuntibusBand 1by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1836Call Number: Loading…
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16Historiae Anabaptistarum et sacramentariorum in Prussia e documentis adhuc incognitis adumbratae, initaBand 2by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1836Call Number: Loading…
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17De vocabulis Graecis singulari forma signatis et quaestionum, quae civibus academicis nuper propositae sunt relatioPublished 1836Call Number: Loading…
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18De mobilitate adiectivorum compositorum: Dissertatio ...Band 2 - Qua orationes ad celebrandum memoriam Matronae nobilissimae D. a Kreytzen e gente Kospothorum et viri clarissimi Joh. Dieterici a Tettau d. XXII. Iunii ... habendas indicit C. A. Lobeck, Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1835Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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19Disputationum adversus grammaticos ...Band 1 - De nominum Graecorum motione Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1834Call Number: Loading…
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20De mutandae terminationis nominum Graecorum causis: diss. ...Band 2by Lobeck, Christian August 1781-1860Published 1833Call Number: Loading…
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