Search Results - Le Blanc de Beaulieu, Louis 1614-1675
Louis Le Blanc de Beaulieu
Louis Le Blanc de Beaulieu (July 1614 – 28 January 1675) was a French Protestant minister and professor of theology at the Calvinist Academy of Sedan in the 17th century. He was noted for his scholarly theological works, particularly his collected theses, and for his conciliatory approach to religious differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Provided by Wikipedia- Showing 1 – 20 results of 20
1Ludovici Le Blanc Corpus theologicae: diversis constans thesibus variis temporibus, in Academia Sedanensi editis et ad disputandum propositisPublished 1707Call Number: Loading…
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2Theses theologicae, variis temporibus in academia Sedanensi editaePublished 1683Call Number: Loading…
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3Theses theologicae, variis temporibus in academia Sedanensi editae et ad disputandum propositaePublished 1675Call Number: Loading…
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4Theses theol. de fidePublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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5Theses theol. de perfectione et infinitate DeiPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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6Thesium theol. de Scripturae plenitudine et sufficientia adv. necessitatem verbi cuiusdam non scripti: P. 1 - 3Published 1661Call Number: Loading…
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7Theses theol. de scientia Dei, s. de cognitione rerum, quae in Deo estPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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8Theses theologicaePublished 1675Call Number: Loading…
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9Theses theologicæ, variis temporibus in Academia Sedanensi editæ et ad disputandum propositæPublished 1675Call Number: Loading…
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10Theses theol. de aeternitate Dei et eius immutabilitatePublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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11Thesium theol. de auctoritate Scripturae: P. 1 - 4Published 1661Call Number: Loading…
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12Theses theol. de certitudine quae fidei competitPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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13Theses theol. quibus demonstratur, Deum essePublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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14Theses theol. de Dei simplicitatePublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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15Theses de theologiaPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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16Theses aliquot de theologiaPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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17Theses theol. de vita DeiPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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18Theses theologicaePublished 1683Call Number: Loading…
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19Theses theologiæ: variis temporibus in academia Sedanesi, editæ et ad disputandum propositæPublished 1683Call Number: Loading…
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20Theses theol. de immensitate et omnipraesentia DeiPublished 1661Call Number: Loading…
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