Search Results - Laud, William 1573-1645
William Laud
![Portrait by [[Anthony van Dyck]] {{circa}} 1636](
Laud believed in episcopalianism, or rule by bishops. "Laudianism" was a reform movement that emphasised liturgical ceremony and clerical hierarchy, enforcing uniformity within the Church of England, as outlined by Charles. Its often highly ritualistic aspects prefigure what are now known as high church views.
In theology, Laud was accused of Arminianism, favouring doctrines of the historic church prior to the Reformation and defending the continuity of the English Church with the primitive and medieval church, and opposing Calvinism. On all three grounds, he was regarded by Puritan clerics and laymen as a formidable and dangerous opponent. His use of the Star Chamber to persecute opponents such as William Prynne made him deeply unpopular. Provided by Wikipedia
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1The works of archbishop LaudBand 3 - Devotions, diary and historyby Laud, William 1573-1645Published 1975Call Number: Loading…
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2The works of archbishop LaudBand 5 - History of his chancellorship, & Laud, William 1573-1645Published 1975Call Number: Loading…
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3The works of archbishop LaudBand 7 - Lettersby Laud, William 1573-1645Published 1975Call Number: Loading…
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4The daily office of a Christian: Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God, Dr. William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. The sixth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases, and other very Excellent Prayers, selected out of the Primitive Writers, formerly publish'd in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact Method for the Benefit of the DevoutPublished 1705Call Number: Loading…
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5The daily office of a Christian: Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God, Dr. William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. The sixth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases, and other very Excellent prayers, selected out of the Primitive Writers, formerly publish'd in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact Method for the Benefit of the devoutPublished 1705Call Number: Loading…
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6The second volume of the remainsPublished 1700Call Number: Loading…
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7The history of the troubles and tryalPublished 1695Call Number: Loading…
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8The History Of The Troubles And Tryal Of The Most Reverend Father in God, and Blessed Martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury[1]by Laud, William 1573-1645Published 1695Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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9The daily officePublished 1687Call Number: Loading…
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10A relation of the conference between William Laud ... and Mr. Fisher, the JesuitPublished 1686Call Number: Loading…
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11A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry: now published according to the copy written with his own hand and reserved in the archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in OxonPublished 1667Call Number: Loading…
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12Officium quotidianum: or, A manual of private devotionsPublished 1649Call Number: Loading…
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13The archbishop of Canterbury's speech, or funerall sermonPublished 1645Call Number: Loading…
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14A commemoration of King Charles his inauguration. Or, A sermon preached at Pauls CrossePublished 1645Call Number: Loading…
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15The Archbishop of Canterbury's speech, or his funerall sermon: preacht by himself on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Friday the 10 of Ianuary, 1644, upon Hebrews 12, 1, 2Published 1644Call Number: Loading…
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16A true copy of certain passages of the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, his speech spoken on the scaffold on Tower-Hill immediatly before his death Jan. 10, 1644Published 1644Call Number: Loading…
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17A letter sent by ...Published 1641Call Number: Loading…
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18The true copie of a letter sent from the most reverend William Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury to the University of Oxford, when he resign'd his office of chancellour: Published by occasion of a base libell and forgery that runs under this title. And also the answer of the University to the said letterPublished 1641Call Number: Loading…
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19The copie of a letter sent from VVilliam Lavd, Archbishop of Canterbury, the 28 of June, MDCXLI, unto the Universitie of Oxford: specifying his willingnesse to resigne his chancellor-ship, and withall deploring his sad estate now in the time of his imprisonshipPublished 1641Call Number: Loading…
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20A letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the University of Oxford, June 28. 1641Published 1641Call Number: Loading…
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