Search Results - Kras, Paweł 1969-
- Showing 1 – 19 results of 19
1The system of the inquisition in medieval EuropePublished 2020Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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2Procesy husyckie na Kujawach (1424-1500): studia historyczne i edycja łacińsko-polska = Hussite trials in Kuyavia (1424-1500) : historical studies and Latin-Polish editionPublished 2024Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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3Husyci w piętnastowiecznej PolscePublished 1998Call Number: Loading…
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4The Beguines of medieval Świdnica: the interrogation of the "Daughters of Odelindis" in 1332Published 2023Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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5The Beguines of medieval Świdnica: the interrogation of the "Daughters of Odelindis" in 1332Published 2023Call Number: Loading…
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6Ad abolendam diversarum haeresium pravitatem: system inkwizycyjny w średniowiecznej EuropiePublished 2006Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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7Repression of Heresy in Late Medieval PolandPublished 2010Call Number: Loading…
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8[Rezension von:] Acta Unitatis Fratrum: Dokumente zur Geschichte der Böhmischen Brüder im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, Bd. 1: Regesten der in den Hand-schriftenbänden Acta Unitatis Fratrum I–IV überlieferten Texte, bearb. von Joachim Bahlcke, Jindřich Halama, Martin Holý, Jiří Just, Martin Rothkegel, Ludger Udolph, Wiesbaden 2018, Harrassowitz, ss. 524Published 2019Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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9"Jak chwytać lisy w Pańskiej winnicy"?: treści antyheretyckie w kazaniach św. Bernarda z Clairvaux i Hélinanda z FroidmontPublished 2014Call Number: Loading…
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10Cultures of religious reading in the Late Middle Ages. Instructing the soul, feeding the spirit, and awakening the passion, ed. Sabrina Corbellini: Turnhout 2013Published 2014Call Number: Loading…
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11Letters related to the history of Poland and Silesia (1451-1456): = Epistolae annis MCDLI-MCDLVI scriptae quae ad res gestas Poloniae et Silesiae spectantPublished 2018Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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12Jan Hus: życie, myśl, dziedzictwoPublished 2017Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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Conference Proceedings Book -
13The grand tour of John of Capistrano in Central and Eastern Europe (1451-1456): transfer of ideas and strategies of communication in the late Middle AgesPublished 2018Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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14Manželství v pozdním středověku: rituály a obyčeje: = Marriage in the Late Middle Ages - rituals and customsPublished 2014Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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15Proces beginek świdnickich w 1332 roku: studia historyczne i edycja łacińsko-polska = The trial of the beguines of Świdnica in 1332 : historical studies and the Latin-Polish editionPublished 2017Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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16Times of upheaval: four medievalists in twentieth-century Central Europe : conversations with Jerzy Kłoczowski, János M. Bak, František Šmahel, and Herwig WolframPublished 2019Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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17Elity i Masy w społeczeństwach Czech i Polski w średniowieczu i wczesnych czasach nowożytnychPublished 2016Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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Conference Proceedings Book -
18The grand tour of John of Capistrano in Central and Eastern Europe (1451-1456): transfer of ideas and strategies of communication in the late Middle AgesPublished 2018Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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19Kultura pisma w średniowieczu: znane problemy, nowe metodyPublished 2013Other Authors: “…Kras, Paweł 1969-…”
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