Search Results - Knaust, Heinrich 1521-1580
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1E Divi Iustiniani Institutionibus ErotemataPublished 1594Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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2Artis Notariatus elementarius liberPublished 1629Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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3Fewerzeugk gerichtlicher Ordnung, Proceß und LäuffePublished 1616Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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4E Divi Iustiniani Institutionibus ErotemataPublished 1614Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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5Feuwerzeugk gerichtlicher Ordnung, Prozeß und LäufePublished 1601Call Number: Loading…
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6Agapetus paedagogiae commendatus at corruptus: comoedia de recta institutione, & e contra, corruptela IuventutisPublished 1600Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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7Artis notariatus elementarius liber: in quaestiones scholasticas redactusPublished 1598Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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8Mahometische Genealogia: Das ist vom Beschreibung, herkommen unnd Absterben Machemetis ...Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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9Artis Notariatvs Elementarivs Liber: In Qvaestiones Scholasticas Redactvs, Tyronibus huius artis, qui in Notarios creari, & fortassè etiam in iudicio Camerae Imperialis recipi, seu immatriculari (quod vocant) cupiunt apprimè vsui futurusPublished 1591Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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10Nvmeratio Gradvvm Consangvinitatis Et Affinitatis, Secvndvm Arborem Ciuilem et Canonicam, pro Iunioribus quàm breuißimè collectaCall Number: Loading…
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11Henr. Cnaustini Tentator-Dialogus lipidissimus, multa pia et salutari doctrina refertusPublished 1575Call Number: Loading…
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12Von der edlen und hochthewren göttlichen gabe und kunst, Bier zu brawen ...Published 1574Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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13De Lvdo: Repetitio Ex Fontibvs Ivris, Qvid Et Qvomodo Ivdicandvm Sit, In Controversiis Lvdorum Aleae, chartarum, et similium, prohibitorum et non prohibitorumPublished 1574Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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14Repetitio, de philosophica regula iuris: ...: accessit ... vehiculum vitae Pythagoricum, ...Published 1574Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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15Propaedia in leges et praecepta prosodiae aptissimis versibus ...Published 1573Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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16Epitome ... in quo Institutiones imperiales Iustiniani in Isagoge ... Contractae suntPublished 1572Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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17Herrligkeit und freud des Hochwirdigen lieben Alters, wider die Schmäher und verächter desselben: An die Jugent ein schöne, zierliche, und lustige vermanungPublished 1567Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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18Senectutis encomion: Herligkeit und freud des Hochwirdigen lieben Alters ...Published 1567Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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19Dido: Tragoedia de fuga ... Aeneae TroianiPublished 1566Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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20Dido: tragoedia, de fuga et hospitio Aeneas Troiani, apud Didonem reginam Carthaginis ... in usum studiosae pubis ex Vergilii secundo, primo et quarto Aeneid. libris, paraphrastice tractata historia, et in tragicae actionis formam ... conscriptaPublished 1566Call Number: Loading…
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