Search Results - Jakob, Max 1879-1955
Max Jakob
Max Jakob (July 20, 1879 – January 4, 1955) was a German physicist known for his work in the field of thermal science.Born in Ludwigshafen, Germany, Jakob studied engineering at Technical University Munich, from which he graduated in 1903. From 1903 to 1906, he was an assistant to O. Knoblauch at the Laboratory for Technical Physics. In 1910, Jakob embarked on a 25-year career at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt in Charlottenburg, Berlin. During this time he founded and directed applied thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid flow laboratories.
Fleeing Nazi persecution, Jakob left Germany in 1936 and immigrated to the United States, where he became a professor at Armour Institute of Technology (now Illinois Institute of Technology) and a consultant in heat transfer for Armour Research Foundation. There he conducted research, covering areas such as steam and air at high pressure, devices for measuring thermal conductivity, the mechanisms of boiling and condensation, and flow in pipes and nozzles.
His many years of teaching, consulting, and writing resulted in contributions to the literature of the profession; nearly 500 books, articles, reviews and discussions have been published based on his research. He has published a number of books in thermal sciences including ''Elements of Heat Transfer and Insulation'' (1942) and ''Heat Transfer'' (1956).
He is credited with devising the Jakob dimensionless number, aka Jakob number, which is used in phase change heat transfer calculations:
The Max Jakob Memorial Award, the highest honor in the field of heat transfer, was established in 1961 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Heat Transfer Division in honor of Jakob. Provided by Wikipedia
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1Heat transferBand 1 2. print. - 1950. - XXIX, 758 Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1950Call Number: Loading…
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2Die Durchflußzahlen von Normaldüsen und Normalstaurändern für Rohrdurchmesser von 100 bis 100mm: Mitteilung aus der Physikalisch-Technischen ReichsanstaltPublished 1928Call Number: Loading…
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3Der Druckabfall in glatten Rohren und die Durchflussziffer von NormaldüsenPublished 1924Call Number: Loading…
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4Technisch-physikalische Untersuchungen von Aluminium-Elektrolyt-ZellenPublished 1906Call Number: Loading…
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5Heat transferBand 1 6. pr. - 1958. - XXIX, 758 Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1958Call Number: Loading…
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6Heat transferBand 2. 1957. - XXXII, 652 Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1957Call Number: Loading…
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7Heat transferBand 1 9. print. - 1964. - XXIX, 758 S. : Ill., graph. Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1964Call Number: Loading…
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8Die spezifische Wärme c p der Luft bei 60 C und 1 bis 300 atPublished 1916Call Number: Loading…
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9Ueber den Ausfluß von heißem WasserPublished 1906Call Number: Loading…
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10Elements of heat transfer and insulationPublished 1950Call Number: Loading…
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11Thermodynamische Drosselgleichung und Zustandsgleichung der Luft bei weitem GültigkeitsbereichPublished 1917Call Number: Loading…
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12Ueber die Abhängigkeit der spezifischen Wärme cp des Wasserdampfes von Druck und Temperatur: Von Osc. Knoblauch und Max JakobPublished 1906Call Number: Loading…
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13Elements of heat transferPublished 1967Call Number: Loading…
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14Heat transferBand 2by Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1957Call Number: Loading…
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15Allgemeine hydrodynamische Grundlagen der Strömung in RohrleitungenPublished 1933Call Number: Loading…
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16Über die spezifische Wärme Cp der Luft zwischen 1 und 200 AtmosphärenPublished 1914Call Number: Loading…
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17Heat transferBand 1by Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1958Call Number: Loading…
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18Heat transferBand 2by Jakob, Max 1879-1955Published 1963Call Number: Loading…
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19Elements of heat transferPublished 1952Call Number: Loading…
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20Elements of heat transferPublished 1957Call Number: Loading…
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