Search Results - Ionescu, Mihail E. 1948-
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1Era TrumpVolumul 1 - Preliminarii la un ciclu istoric de 30 de aniby Ionescu, Mihail E. 1948-Published 2019Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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2După hegemonie: patru scenarii de securitate pentru Europa de Est în anii 90Published 1993Call Number: Loading…
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3200 de zile mai devreme: rolul României în scurtarea celui de-al doilea război mondialPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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4August 1944: Repere istoricePublished 1984Call Number: Loading…
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5Puterea cuvîntului: propaganda mişcării de rezistenţă din România, 1940 - 1944Published 1984Call Number: Loading…
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6Era TrumpPublished 2019Call Number: Loading…
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7Romania orientală: 160 de ani (1848 - 2009)Published 2009Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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8Sub semnul victorieiPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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9Era TrumpVolumul 2by Ionescu, Mihail E. 1948-Published 2020Call Number: Loading…
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10România şi revoluţia din Rusia (1916-1919): note pentru o sinteză istoriograficăBand 1 - Vara 1916 - primăvara 1917by Ionescu, Mihail E. 1948-Published 2018Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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11Between the two communist giants: Romania and North Korea relationship during the Cold WarPublished 2014Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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12Bizanţ versus Bizanţ: introducere la o dezbatere privind devenirea româneascăPublished 2010Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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13200 Tage früher: der Beitrag Rumäniens zur Verkürzung des Zweiten WeltkriegesPublished 1987Call Number: Loading…
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14A turning point in World War II: 23 Aug. 1944 in RomaniaPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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15A turning point in World War II: 23 August 1944 in RomaniaPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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16Romania's special position within the Eastern Bloc during the CSCE follow-up conferences of Belgrade and MadridPublished 2012Call Number: Loading…
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17Rumänien im Zweiten Weltkrieg (1939-1945): Die rumänische historiographische PerspektivePublished 2004Call Number: Loading…
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18A turning point in World War II, 23 August 1944 in RomaniaPublished 1985Call Number: Loading…
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19O istorie trăită a războiului de independenţă 1877-1878: Mărturii. Amintiri.Published 1979Call Number: Loading…
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20Atitudinea României în cadrul Consiliului de Ajutor Economic Reciproc în perioada (1949-1964): = Romania's attitude within the Council for Mutual Economic aid during (1949-1964)Published 2020Call Number: Loading…
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