The retail compounder; or, publicans friend. An entire new work, shewing by a Set of plain Receipts (never yet made Public) an approved method of making British compounds, As used in the first Rectifying Houses in the Metropolis, such as Peppermint, Carraway, Coriander, Cloves, Cinnamon, Anniseed, Gin Bitters, Brandy Bitters, &c. &c. from a single gallon to any quantity. Which will save full 2s. per Gallon on each Article, and be of as good a Quality as any sold by the Rectifying Distillers. Likewise, An easy Method to make good Gins in small Quantities. To which is added, a description of the hydrometer and thermometer, To ascertain the strength of Spirits, With the Method of using the same, Made Plain to the Meanest Capacity. Together with a few Rules for colouring and refining Liquors, and some cursory Remarks respecting the Spirit Trade. By John Hardy