The following plan for the relief of the poor was: by Thomas Hall, Esq; one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Southampton, presented to the Bench of Justices assembled at the last General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held at the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said County, on Tuesday the first Week after Michaelmas last: The same was unanimously approved of and recommended to the Consideration of Jervoise Clarke Jervoise, and Robert Thistletwayte, Esqrs. the Representatives in Parliament for the said County, to observe upon whenever a Bill should be brought into the House for the Amendment of the Poor Laws; and the Justices so assembled ordered the same to be printed. October 5, 1786. Banbury, Chairman. A Temporary Plan for the better maintenance and regulation of the Parochial Poor of the Kingdom of England