Search Results - Häuber, Chrystina 1949-
- Showing 1 – 13 results of 13
1The Cancelleria Reliefs and Domitian's obelisk in Rome in context of the legitimation of Domitian's reign: with studies on Domitian's building projects in Rome, his statue of Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus, the colossal portrait of Hadrian (now Constantine the Great), and Hadrian's portrait from HierapydnaPublished 2023Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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2Augustus and the Campus Martius in Rome: the Emperor's Role as Pharaoh of Egypt and Julius Caesar's Calender Reform; the Montecitorio Obelisk, the Meridian Line, the Ara Pacis, and the Mausoleum Augusti. In Honour of Eugenio La Rocca on the occasion of his 70th birthdayPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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3The Cancelleria Reliefs and Domitian's obelisk in Rome in context of the legitimation of Domitian's reign: with studies on Domitian's building projects in Rome, his statue of Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus, the colossal portrait of Hadrian (now Constantine the Great), and Hadrian's portrait from HierapydnaPublished 2023Call Number: Loading…
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4The Eastern Part of the Mons Oppius in Rome: the sanctuary of Isis et Serapis in Regio 3., the temples of Minerva Medica, Fortuna Virgo and Dea Syria, and the Horti of MaecenasPublished 2014Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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5The multi-disciplinary multimedia geographical information system applied to archaeology. GIS(A) FORTUNA: the basics of developmentPublished 1999Call Number: Loading…
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6Horti MaecenatisPublished 1996Call Number: Loading…
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7... endlich lebe ich wie ein Mensch? Zu domus, horti und villae in RomPublished 1994Call Number: Loading…
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8Das Archäologische Informationssystem ROMA: Antike Straßen und Gebäude aus Nollis Romkarte im modernen StadtgrundrißPublished 2006Call Number: Loading…
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9Von einer Revolution, die im Stillen stattgefunden hat. Die Einführung in Archäologische Informationssysteme (AIS) zeigt ein breites MethodenspektrumPublished 2005Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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10"Art as a weapon" von Scipio Africanus Maior bis Lucullus. Domus, horti and Heiligtümer auf dem EsquilinPublished 1998Call Number: Loading…
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11Zur Topographie der Horti Maecenatis und der Horti Lamiani auf dem Esquilin in RomPublished 1990Call Number: Loading…
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12Ricerca sui confini e l'apparato decorativo degli Horti MecenatianiPublished 1983Call Number: Loading…
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13Der Aufbruch der Göttin Kybele in Pessinus? Zu einem römischen Marmorrelief in Pergamonmuseum BerlinPublished 1998Call Number: Loading…
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