Search Results - Groenman-van Waateringe, Willy
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1Roman frontier studies: proceedings of the ... International Congress of Roman Frontier StudiesBand 16 - [Kerkrade, 1995]by Groenman-van Waateringe, WillyPublished 1997Call Number: Loading…
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2Leather from Medieval SvendborgPublished 1988Call Number: Loading…
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3Die Lederfunde von HaithabuPublished 1984Call Number: Loading…
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4The pre-Flavian garrisons of Valkenburg Z.H.: fabriculae und bipartite barracksPublished 1974Call Number: Loading…
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5Romeins lederwerk uit Valkenburg Z.H.Published 1967Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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Thesis/Dissertation Book -
6Romeins lederwerk uit Valkenburg Z.H.Published 1967Call Number: Loading…
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7Der Lederschuh aus den sog. MühlensandenPublished 2016Call Number: Loading…
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8The source of hides and skins for Roman army equipmentPublished 2009Call Number: Loading…
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9Haut- und Fellreste vom DürrnbergPublished 2002Call Number: Loading…
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10Summary, discussion and personal comment on the "Impact of the Roman frontiers on the native people"Published 1990Call Number: Loading…
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11Mercure à Ultima ThulePublished 1981Call Number: Loading…
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12The pre-Flavian garrisons of Valkenburg Z.H.: fabriculae und bipartite barracksPublished 1974Call Number: Loading…
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13The pre-flavian garrisons of Valkenburg Z.H.: fabriculae and bipartite barracksPublished 1974Call Number: Loading…
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14The Garrisons of Valkenburg Z.H. 1, 1a and 2/3Published 1974Call Number: Loading…
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15Palynological Analysis of Samples from the Harbour of the Roman Fort at Velsen, prov. Noord-Holland. The NetherlandsPublished 2004Call Number: Loading…
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16Classical authors and the diet of Roman soldiers: true or false?Published 1997Call Number: Loading…
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17Analyses of the hides and skins from the HauslabjochPublished 1992Call Number: Loading…
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18The Horrea of Valkenburg ZHPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…
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19Archeologische schatten uit ijs en zout: rede uitgesproken op 24 maart 1998 in de aula van de Universiteit van Amsterdam bij het afscheid als hoogleraar oecologische prehistoriePublished 1998Call Number: Loading…
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20Valkenburg ZH 1: fabrica or praetorium?Published 1991Call Number: Loading…
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