Search Results - Gri Štorga, Adriana
- Showing 1 – 16 results of 16
1Tri bisera devetnaestog stoljeća: iz fundusa Knijžnice Arheološkog muzeja Istre = Tre perle ottocentesche : nella bibliotheca del museo archeologico dell'Istria = Three nineteenth century gems : in the library of the Archeological Museum of IstriaPublished 2018Call Number: Loading…
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2[Rezension von: Histria archaeologica, sv. 50/2019. - Pula : 2020. - 380 str.]Published 2021Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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3[Rezension von: Histria archaeologica : sv. 51/2020. - Pula 2021. - 276 str.]Published 2022Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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4[Rezension von: Demonja, Damir: Corpus ecclesiarum Franciscanarum : katalog franjevačkih crkava na hrvatskoj obali do kraja 16. stoljeća = Corpus ecclesiarum Franciscanarum : a catalogue of Franciscan churches on the Croatian seaboard up to the end of the sixteenth century]: [Pula ; Zagreb ; Samobor : Arheološki muzej Istre ; Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose; Izdavačka kuća Meridijani, 2021. - 222 str.]Published 2021Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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5[Rezension von: Demonja, Damir: Arhitektura franjevačkih crkava u Istri (Puli, Poreču i Pazinu) i na otocima Kvarnerskog zaljeva (Krku, Cresu, Rabu i Pagu) do kraja 16. stoljeća] / The Architecture of Franciscan Churches in Istria (Pula, Poreč and Pazin) and the Kvarner Bay Islands (Krk, Cres, Rab and Pag) up to the End of the Sixteenth Century, Monografije i katalozi 32, Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, Pula / Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose, Zagreb, 2019., 187 str.: [Pula ; Zagreb : Arheološki muzej Istre, Pula / Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose, 2019. - 187 str.] = [Rezension von: The architecture of Franciscan churches in Istria (Pula, Poreč and Pazin) and the Kvarner Bay Islands (Krk, Cres, Rab and Pag) up to the end of the sixteenth century] : [Pula ; Zagreb : Arheološki muzej Istre, Pula / Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose, 2019. - 187 str.]Published 2022Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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6[Rezension von: Histria archaeologica, sv. 49/2018. - Pula : 2019. - 159 str.]Published 2019Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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7Histria archaeologica, sv. 48/2017: Pula 2018., 207 str.Published 2018Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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8Histria archaeologica, sv. 46/2015: Pula 2016., 299 str.Published 2017Call Number: Loading…Online lesen
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9Vjernost blagost, poniznost ...: simbolika životinja na keramičkom posudu = Fedeltà docilità ... : il simbolismo animale sul vasellame di ceramica = Fidelity, meekness, humility ... : animal symbolism on ceramic warePublished 2018Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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10Košara: = La cesta = The BasketPublished 2017Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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11Izida Fortuna: sjedinjenje dviju božica = Iside Fortuna : la comunione di due dee = Isis Fortuna : the union of two goddessesPublished 2018Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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12Keramička ostava iz Vele peći: fenomen deponiranja ostava u prapovijesti = Il ripostiglio di ceramiche di Vela peć : il fenomeno dei ripostigli preistorici = The ceramic hoard from Vela Peć : the phenomenon of prehistoric hoardsPublished 2018Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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13Žigovi na dnu staklenih kvadratičnih recipijenata: praksa koja nas prati od antike = I bolli sul fondo di recipienti vitrei con base a sezione quadrata : una prassi che ci accompagna dall'antichità = Marks on the bases of square glass vessels : a practice that has come down from antiquityPublished 2018Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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14Kameni dupin iz rimske luke Pola: zaštitnik plovidbe i zagrobnog života = Il delfino di pietra del porto romano Pola : pretettore dei naviganti e della vita ultraterrena = The stone dolphin from the roman port of Pola : protector of mariners and guide to the AfterlifePublished 2018Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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15Zaboravljeni slučaj: restaurirana slika izrađena od koseh = Un caso dimenticato : restaurato il quadro formato da capelli = a Forgotten case a restored hairwork picture : a restored hairwork picturePublished 2017Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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1670 godina djelovanja Arheološkog muzeja Istre: priča o djelatnicima = I settant'anni del Museo archeologico dell'Istria : attraverso le vicende dei suoi addetti = 70 years of the Archaeological Museum of Istria : the story of the people at AMIPublished 2017Other Authors: “…Gri Štorga, Adriana…”
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