Search Results - González Cuerva, Rubén 1983-
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1Maria of Austria, holy roman empress (1528-1603): dynastic networkerPublished 2022Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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2The king of Hungary and the Cardinal of Toledo: the creation of a common dynastic image around the two Ferdinands, 1631-35Published 2021Call Number: Loading…
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3[Rezension von: Tramiti / a cura di Elisa Andretta, Elena Valeri, Maria Antonietta Visceglia, Paola Volpini, 2015]Published 2018Call Number: Loading…
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4Zwischen höfischen Berater und Missionar: Bruder Dominicus a Jesu Maria und die Heiligkeit der Karmeliten im Heiligen Römischen ReichPublished 2018Call Number: Loading…
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5"A kiváló erdélyi fejedelem": A török elleni hosszú háború (1593–1606) a relaciones de sucesos tükrében = "The prodigious Transylvanian prince" : The "long war"against the Ottoman Empire (1593-1606) in the Mirror of the relaciones de sucesosPublished 2016Call Number: Loading…
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6[Rezension von:] L'arte del dono : scambi artistici e diplomazia tra Italia e Spagna, 1550 - 1650 / a cura di Marieke von Bernstorff, Susanne Kubersky-Piredda, Tobias Daniels. - Cinisello Balsamo : Silvana, 2013Published 2014Call Number: Loading…
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7La fazione spagnola presso la corte imperiale e i nunzi (1628-1635)Published 2019Call Number: Loading…
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8Reconocer al infiel: la representación en la diplomacia hispano-musulmana (siglos XVI y XVII)Published 2021Other Authors: “…González Cuerva, Rubén 1983-…”
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9A Europe of courts, a Europe of factions: political groups at early modern centres of power (1550-1700)Published 2017Other Authors: “…González Cuerva, Rubén 1983-…”
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Conference Proceedings Book -
10El príncipe, la corte y sus reinos: agentes y prácticas de gobierno en el mundo hispano (ss. XIV-XVIII)Published 2016Other Authors: “…González Cuerva, Rubén 1983-…”
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11A Europe of courts, a Europe of factions: political groups at early modern centres of power (1550-1700)Published 2017Other Authors: “…González Cuerva, Rubén 1983-…”
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