Search Results - Gauch, Sigfrid 1945-
Sigfrid Gauch

Gauch is the son of Hermann Gauch, a Nazi official and member of the SS. He was born in Offenbach-Hundheim in the last few weeks of the Second World War. His parents separated when he was a young boy. He studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mainz.
He worked as a school teacher, teaching German, philosophy and ethics at the ''Integrierte Gesamtschule'' in Mainz. He was awarded a doctorate from the University of Mainz in 1985 for a dissertation on "Overt and covert spellings in literary Jacobinism". It was later published as ''Friedrich Joseph Emerich – ein deutscher Jakobiner. Studien zu Leben und Werk''.
In the 1970s Gauch published essays and poetry. He made his name with his book ''Vaterspuren'' (Traces of My Father) in 1979, an influential memoir that began what later became a genre of literature about children of Nazi parents attempting to come to terms with their family's past. He later published ''Fundsachen. Die Quellen zum Roman Vaterspuren'', a collection of primary source material related to the book. His novels ''Winterhafen'' (2010) and ''Schattenbilder'' (2012) explore the same issues through fiction.
In addition to his novels, short stories and poetry collections Gauch has co-edited numerous anthologies, especially with regard to literature from Rhineland-Palatinate, including, from 1994, the ''Rheinland-pfälzisches Jahrbuch für Literatur'' (Rhineland-Palatinate Yearbook of literature) published by Brandes & Apsel. Since 2002, this has come out under the title ''Jahrbuch für Literatur'' (Yearbook for Literature). Since 2004, he has edited the Edition Schrittmacher series of books, of which 30 volumes have been published. Provided by Wikipedia
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1Goethes Foto und andere ErzählungenPublished 1992Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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2Zweiter Hand: RomanPublished 1987Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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3Vaterspuren: eine ErzählungPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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4Lernbehinderung: Handreichungen und GesprächslandschaftenPublished 1977Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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5IdentifikationPublished 1975Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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6Gegenlichter: GedichtePublished 2005Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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7Vaterspuren: ErzählungPublished 1996Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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8Besondere Erziehung: Normen und Ziele in der SonderpädagogikPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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9Lern-BehinderungPublished 1977Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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10Identifikationen: Poetische TextePublished 1975Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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11Vaterspuren: eine LebensgeschichtePublished 2005Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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12Vaterspuren: ErzählungPublished 1990Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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13Friedrich Joseph Emerich - ein deutscher Jakobiner: Studien zu Leben und WerkPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…Table of contents
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14Wunschtage: GedichteCall Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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15Vaterspuren: e. ErzählungPublished 1979Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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16Mitt-Teilungen und andere NichtmöglichkeitenPublished 1976Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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17SchibboletPublished 1975Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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18Buchstabenzeit: GedichtePublished 1987Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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19Friedrich Joseph Emerich - ein deutscher Jakobiner: Studien zu Leben u. WerkPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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20Auf dem BildschirmPublished 2008Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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