Suchergebnisse - Ford, Emanuel
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1The famous and pleasant history of Parismus: the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adventures in the Desolate Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels and Noble Chivalry of Parismonos, The Knight of Fame, with his Love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the Admirable Adventures and truly Heroick Atchievements of Parismonos, Knight of the Golden Star, with his Love to the Fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare AdventuresVeröffentlicht 1760Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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2The famous history of Montelion: Knight of the Oracle, Son to the True Mirrour of Princes, the most Renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures, &c. Adorned with suitable cuts, and interposed with Variety of Pleasant and Instructive StoriesVeröffentlicht 1759Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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3The famous history of Montelion: Knight of the Oracle, Son to the True Mirrour of Princes, the most Renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures, &c. Adorned with suitable cuts, and interpos'd with Variety of Pleasant and Instructive StoriesVeröffentlicht 1720Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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4The famous and pleasant history of Parismus: the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adventures in the Desolate Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels, and Noble Chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame, with his Love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the Admirable Adventures and truly Heroick Archievements of Parismenides, Knight of the Golden Star with his Love to the Fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare AdventuresVeröffentlicht 1713Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle: Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles King of Assyria shewing his strange birth, unfortunate Love, perilous, adventures in arms: and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed according to orderVeröffentlicht 1711Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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6The famous history of Montelion: Knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria: shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms; and how he came to the Knowledge of his Royal Parents. Interlaced with Variety of Pleasant and Delightful Discourse. Licens'd and Enter'd according to OrderVeröffentlicht 1710Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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7The pleasant and delightful history of Montelion: the most valiant and renowned Knight of the Oracle, Son to Persicles, the Valiant King of Assyria, and fair Constantia Daughter to the Emperour of Persia; containing the many strange and wonderful Adventures of his Parents, relating to their Love and Misfortunes, &c. his miraculous Preservation when an Infant, the Wonders he did in the first Battle he enter'd, his Rescue of Philotheta, the beautiful Princess of Ilia, with whom he fell in Love, his Adventure against the Inchanted Castle to set Constantia at Liberty, and how he came unto the Knowledge of his Parents, &cVeröffentlicht 1705Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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8The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus: the most renowned prince of BohemiaVeröffentlicht 1704Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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9The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowed Prince of Bohemia: in three partsVeröffentlicht 1699Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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10The most famous, delectable and pleasant history of ParismusBand 2. 1696von Ford, EmanuelVeröffentlicht 1696Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
11The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus the renowned Prince of BohemiaVeröffentlicht 1696Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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12The famous history of Montelion, knight of the oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes the most renowned Pericles, King of Assyria: shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms, and how he came to the knowledge of his parentsVeröffentlicht 1695Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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13The famous history of MontelionVeröffentlicht 1690Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
14The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia: shewing the tyrannical and wicked reign of Thæon, King of Phrigia, VVho having murthered his lawful soveraign, usurped the kingdom, and grievously opprest the people, was afterwards slain by one of his own servants. With the manner of his son Lenons falling in love with the fair Artesia; his several strange and unheard of plots, contrived to attain his desires, and the miseries she endured thereby, till by the prudence, valour, and fortitude of Ornatus, she was set at liberty. Also, how by the assistance of the King of Armenia, and the policy of Philastes, Ornatus recovered the kingdom, (to which he was right heir) and afterwards he and Artesia, being royally married together, crowned king and queen of PhrigiaVeröffentlicht 1683Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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15The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus: [Part 1]Veröffentlicht 1681Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
16The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned prince of BohemiaVeröffentlicht 1681Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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17Of the famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia: in two partsVeröffentlicht 1680Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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18Of the famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowed Prince of Bohemia: in two partsVeröffentlicht 1680Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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19The most famous delectable and pleasant history of ParismusVeröffentlicht 1671Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Microform Buch Wird geladen … -
20The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part: Containing his most noble atchievments, and triumphant battles fought against the Persians; hsi love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the kings daughter of Thessaly; the great dangers he passed in the island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the Desolate IslandVeröffentlicht 1664Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
Standort: Wird geladen …
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