Search Results - Fernandes, Carla Varela 1970-
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1Santos, heróis e monstros: o claustro da abadia de Santa Maria de Celas = Saints, heroes and monsters : the cloister of the abbey of Santa Maria de CelasPublished 2019Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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2Pero: o mestre das imagens, c. 1300-1350Published 2018Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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3The nativity scene on a 14th century altar frontal: proposals about a rare workPublished 2021Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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4Portugal e as variações artísticas de um culto: a iconografia de Santiago na escultura dos séculos XIII e XIVPublished 2020Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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5El primer yacente portugués: en torno al sepulcro de la reina Urraca y las posibles relaciones entre los centros artísticos franceses y peninsularesPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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6Uma imagem de S. Bartolomeu do MNAA: questões em torno da estética, iconografia e importância do culto nos anos do RomânicoPublished 2015Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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7Escultura portuguesa dos finais do século XII aos finais do século XIV: alguns exemplosPublished 2018Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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8Mémoire au-delà de la mort.: Les évêques portugais et leurs monuments funéraires au Moyen ÂgePublished 2014Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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9Romanesque sculpture in Portuguese cathedrals: models, continuity and adaptationPublished 2020Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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10Los obispos de Évora en los siglos XIII y XIV como mecenas de la construcción/ornamentación de la catedral: Bishops of Évora in the 13th and 14th centuries as patron of the building/ornamentation of the cathedralPublished 2018Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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11Algumas cruzes processionais portuguesas em metal: reflexões sobre circulação de modelos e as transferências artísticas entre Ocidente e OrientePublished 2016Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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12PATHOS – the bodies of Christ on the Cross: rhetoric of suffering in wooden sculpture found in Portugal, twelfth-fourteenth centuries ; a few examplesPublished 2013Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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13Imagens e liturgia na Idade MédiaPublished 2016Other Authors: “…Fernandes, Carla Varela 1970-…”
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14Loci sepulcrales: places of memory and burial in the Middle AgesPublished 2023Other Authors: “…Fernandes, Carla Varela 1970-…”
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15Imagens e liturgia na Idade MédiaPublished 2015Other Authors: “…Fernandes, Carla Varela 1970-…”
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16Santiago o Maior: culto e caminhos jacobeus em Portugal: = Santiago el Mayor: culto y caminos jacobeos en Portugal = St. James the Greater: the cult and the ways of St. James in Portugal = Santiago o Maior: culto e camiños xacobeos en PortugalPublished 2020Other Authors: “…Fernandes, Carla Varela 1970-…”
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17Imagens e liturgia na Idade Média: criação, circulação e função das Imagens entre o Ocidente e o Oriente na Idade Média (séculos V-XV) = Images and liturgy in the Middle Ages : creation, circulation and function of images between West and East in the Middle Ages (5th-15th centuries)Published 2021Other Authors: “…Fernandes, Carla Varela 1970-…”
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