Search Results - Fenner, Dudley
Dudley Fenner

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1A counter-poysonPublished 1975Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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2The sacred doctrine of divinitie, gathered out of the word of God, and comprehended in two volumesPublished 1613Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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3An antiquodlibet: or an advertisement to beware of secular priestsPublished 1602Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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4A short and profitable treatise of lawfull recreations, and unlawfull recreationsPublished 1590Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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5A short and profitable treatise, of lavvfull and vnlavvfull recreations: and of the right vse and abuse of those that are lavvefull. Written by M. Dudley Fenner, Preacher of the Word of God in Midlebrugh [sic]. 1587Published 1590Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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6The artes of logike and rethorikePublished 1588Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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7A brief treatise vpon the first table of the lavve: orderly disposing the principles of religion, whereby we may examine our selues. Written by Maister Dudley Fenner, Minister of the GospellPublished 1588Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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8A brief treatise vpon the first table of the lavve: orderly disposing the principles of religion, whereby we may examine ourseluesPublished 1588Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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9The groundes of religion set downe in questions and answeresPublished 1587Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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10Sacra theologia sive Veritas quae est secundum PietatemPublished 1586Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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11A counterpoyson, modestly written for the timePublished 1584Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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12The artes of logike and rethorike [sic]: plainelie set foorth in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practisedPublished 1584Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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13The artes of logike and rethorike: plainelie set foorth in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practised: togeather with examples for the practise of the same, for methode in the gouernment of the familie, prescribed in the word of God: and for the whole in the resolution or opening of certaine partes of Scripture, according to the samePublished 1584Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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14An ansuuere vnto the confutation of Iohn Nichols his recantation, in all pointes of any weight conteyned in the same: especially in the matters of doctrine, of purgatorie, images, the Popes honor, and the question of the churchPublished 1583Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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15An answere vnto the confutation of Iohn Nichols his recantation, in all pointes of any weight conteyned in the same: especially in the matters of doctrine, of purgatorie, images, the Popes honor, and the question of the Church. By Dudley Fenner, Minister of Gods wordPublished 1583Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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16The sacred doctrine of divinitiePublished 1613Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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17Certain godly and learned treatisesPublished 1592Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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18A brief treatise upon the first table of the lawePublished 1590Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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19The whole doctrine of the sacramentesPublished 1588Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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20The vvhole doctrine of the Sacramentes: plainlie and fullie set dovvne and declared out of the word of God. Written by Maister Dudley Fenner, and nowe published for the vse of the Church of GodPublished 1588Call Number: Loading…Order via interlibrary loan
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