Search Results - Felix, Robert
Robert H. Felix
Robert H. Felix was an American psychiatrist and administrator who served as the first director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) from 1949 to 1964 and a former president of the American Psychiatric Association. Provided by Wikipedia- Showing 1 – 20 results of 25
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1Zusammenhang zwischen Residualbandscheibenvolumen nach Mini-Hemilaminektomie und dem neurologischen Heilungsverlauf bei Hunden mit thorakolumbalen BandscheibenvorfallenPublished 2017Call Number: Loading…Read online (freely available)
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Thesis/Dissertation Book -
2Bloßer Verkehrsschutz statt widerspruchsfreier Dogmatik?: zur Entstehung, Begründung und Entwicklung der §§932-935 BGBPublished 2009Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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Thesis/Dissertation Book -
3American conflicts lawPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…
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4American conflicts law: cases and materialsPublished 2015Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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5Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy of Malta and GozoPublished 1973Call Number: Loading…
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6American conflicts law: cases and materialsPublished 1998Call Number: Loading…
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7American conflicts lawPublished 1986Call Number: Loading…
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8Oligo-miocene stratigraphy of Malta and GozoPublished 1973Call Number: Loading…
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9Mental illnes: progress and prospectsPublished 1967Call Number: Loading…
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10American conflicts law: cases and materialsPublished 2004Call Number: Loading…
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11Not by fire but by ice: discover what killed the dinosours ... and why it could soon kill usPublished 2000Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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12Cases and materials on American conflicts lawPublished 1982Call Number: Loading…
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13Oligocene-Miocene stratigraphy of Malta and GozoPublished 1973Call Number: Loading…
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14Mental illness: Progress and prospectsPublished 1968Call Number: Loading…
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15Mental illness: progress and prospectsPublished 1967Call Number: Loading…
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16Korrelation elektrophysiologischer Parameter mit Anti-Gangliosid-Antikörpern bei Patienten mit entzündlichen PolyneuropathienPublished 2011Call Number: Loading…
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17American conflicts lawPublished 2011Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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18American conflicts law: cases and materialsPublished 2010Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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19American conflicts lawPublished 2001Call Number: Loading…Table of Contents
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20Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy of Malta and GozoPublished 1973Call Number: Loading…
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