Suchergebnisse - Faithorne, William
- Treffer 1 – 18 von 18
1The art of graveing and etchingVeröffentlicht 1972Signatur: Wird geladen …
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2The art of graveing and etchingVeröffentlicht 1662Signatur: Wird geladen …
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3The art of graving and etching: Wherein is express'd the true way of graving in copper. Also the manner and method of the famous Callot, and Mr. Bosse, in their several ways of Etching. Published by William FaithorneVeröffentlicht 1702Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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4The art of graveing and etching: wherein is exprest the true way of graueing in copperVeröffentlicht 1662Signatur: Wird geladen …Online lesen
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5Lexicon heptaglotton: Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Æthiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim; et Persicum, separatim. Opus non tantum ad Biblia Polyglotta Londinensia, Biblia Regia Parisiensia, Biblia Regia Antwerpiana, Bibliaque card. Ximenii complutensia; sed ad omnes omnino tam mss. quam impressos libros, in universis hisce linguis extantes, apprimè utile & pernecessarium. In quo vocum significationes, omnuim præsertim in SS. Hebræis Bibliis semel tantum occurrentium, multo aliter quam apud modernos, sive Hebræos, sive Christianos, ex tribus Chaldæis Targumin, utroque Babylonico, & Hierosolymitano Talmude, vetustissimorum rabbinorum commentatoribus, theologis, & philosophis, variis S. Scripturæ lectionibus Hebr. Chald. &c. tribus exemplaribus V. & N. T. Syris, tribus magna ex parte utriusque Æthiopicis, tribus Arabicis, duobus Persicis, tribus Pentateuchis Samaritanis: lexicis item in omnibus hisce linguis vix numerandis; Alcorano, Avicenna, ... & explicantur. ....Veröffentlicht 1669Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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6Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated and punctually applyed to every age and constitution of body: The fourth impression, amplified with many profitable additions. By Tob. Venner Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed a very necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe; with a censure of the medicinal faculties of the water of St. Vincent's Rocks near the city of Bristol. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco, by the same authorVeröffentlicht 1660Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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7The life of our blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ: An heroic poem: dedicated to Her most sacred Majesty. In ten books. Attempted by Samuel Wesley, M.A. chaplain to the most honourable John Lord Marquess of Normanby, and rector of Epworth in the county of Lincoln. Each book illustrated by necessary notes, explaining all the more difficult matters in the whole history: also a prefatory discourse concerning heroic poetryVeröffentlicht 1697Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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8The portrait of his Majesty Charles the Second. Faithfully taken to the lifeVeröffentlicht 1660Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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9The second book of ayres, and dialogues, for one, two, and three voycesVeröffentlicht 1655Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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10The academie of eloquence: Containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified, with common-places, and formes, digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times, together with letters both amorous and moral, upon emergent occasionsVeröffentlicht 1654Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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11The works of Mr Abraham Cowley: Consisting of those which were formerly printed: and those which he design'd for the press, now published out of the authors original copiesVeröffentlicht 1684Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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12The gentlewomans companion; or, A guide to the female sex: containing directions of behaviour, in all places companies, relations, and conditions, from their childhood down to old age: viz. As, children to parents. Scholars to governours. Single to servants. Virgins to suitors. Married to husbands. Huswifes to the house. Mistresses to servants. Mothers to children. Widows to the world. prudent to all. With letters and discourses upon all occasions. Whereunto is added, a guide for cook-maids, dairy-maids, chamber-maids, and all others that go to service. The whole being an exact rule for the female sex in general. The third edition. By Hannah WoolleyVeröffentlicht 1682Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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13The gentlewomans companion; or, A guide to the female sex: containing directions of behaviour, in all places, companies, relations, and conditions, from their childhood down to old age: viz. As, children to parents. Scholars to governours. Single to servants. Virgins to suitors. Married to husbands. Huswifes to the house Mistresses to servants. Mothers to children. Widows to the world Prudent to all. With letters and discourses upon all occasions. Whereunto is added, a guide for cook-maids, dairy-maids, chamber-maids, and all others that go to service. The whole being an exact rule for the female sex in general. By Hannah WoolleyVeröffentlicht 1673Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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14The academy of eloquence: containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified; common places and formula's digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times: with letters both amorous and morall, upon emergent occasions. By T.B. of the Inner TempleVeröffentlicht 1663Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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15Ēh probolē tēs alētheias or The bul-warke of truth: being a treatise of God, of Jesus Christ, of the Holy Ghost, and of the Trinity in unity, against atheists and hereticksVeröffentlicht 1657Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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16Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros tōn eis heauton biblia 12: = Marci Antonini imperatoris de rebus suis, sive de eis qæ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII, locis havd pavcis repurgati, suppleti, restituti: versione insuper Latinâ novâ; lectionibus item variis, locísq[ue] parallelis, ad marginem adjectis; ac commentario perpetuo, explicati atqe illustratiVeröffentlicht 1652Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William …”
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17The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis
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18The Works Of Mr Abraham Cowley: Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed: And Those which he Design'd for the Press: Now published out of the Authors Original CopiesVeröffentlicht 1684Weitere beteiligte Personen: “… Faithorne, William 1616-1691 …”
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