The trial of P. W. Duffin: and Thomas Lloyd, a citizen of the United States of America, and an Officer in the late American Army; for a libel in the Fleet-Prison. The defendants were their own advocates, and one of them, in consequence of his spirited and able Attack upon what he termed the Unconstitutional Practices of the Courts of Judicature, drew upon himself some severe Strictures from the Honourable tho. Erskine, Counsel for tho. Paine. And his Speech was also alluded to by. The Hon. Mr. Jenkinson, in the House of Commons, In proof of the Necessity of the strong Measures which Government has recently taken. Mr. Lloyd, on the 8th of February, 1793, was placed in the Pillory at the Royal Exchange, in consequence of his Sentence pronounced by the Court of King's-Bench, on the 31st of January; which Court, that Day, refused his Application for a new Trial, made on the Ground of want of Competency in the Witness Schoole, and on the Error in the Verdict which appeared primre facia even from the Judges Notes of the Evidence. Mr. Lloyd returned to Newgate, from the Pillory, to complete the Term he was sentenced to be confined for; viz. Three Years, amidst the Acclamations of the People, who applauded him from the Place of Exhibition to the Prison Door, as a Demonstration of their Approbation of his Principles and Conduct