Suchergebnisse - Davies, Thomas ca. 1712-1785
- Treffer 1 – 18 von 18
1Some account of the life and writings of Philip MassingerVeröffentlicht 1789Signatur: Wird geladen …
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2Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole forming a history of the stage, which includes a period of thirty-six years. By Thomas DaviesVeröffentlicht 1781Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
3Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole forming a history of the stage, which includes a period of thirty-six years. By Thomas DaviesVeröffentlicht 1780Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
4A catalogue of very curious and valuable books, containing, among many others equally good, in folio: Roberts's Atlas Racolta di Statue da Rossi Beaumiester Architectura Pseffel Templi Columna Trajana & Ant. 2 vol Atlas, par Le Fer Perelle's Views Schenk's Views Ruins of Balbec, Russia Vaillainti Numismata Sandrarti Sculpturae Vet. cum Arte Pictoriae, edit. opt. - rar. Machini del Ramelli Atlas, par De Lisle Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. ... Russia The Bishop's Bible, 1568 Patrick, Lowth, Whitby, and Arnold, 7 vol Chambers's Dictionary, 2 vol Iohnson's Dictionary, 2 vol Martland's London, 2 vol. best edit. Rapin, with Heads and Monuments, 2 vol Biograph. Britannica, 7 vol ... Fabricii Biblioth. Graeca, 14 vol Livius Crevier, 6 vol Diogenes Laertius, 2 vol Homerus Barnesii, 2 vol Harleian Miscellany, 8 vol Pope's Homer's Odyssey, 5 vol Philos. Transactions abridged, 11 vol Knyghtes of the Table rounde, bl. letter Edwards's Birds and Gleanings, 7 vol Coryat's Crudities Pope's Works and Life, 5 vol -Shakespear, 6 vol Swift's Works and Letters, 12 vol Milton, by Baskerville, 2 vol ... Smollet's Hist. and Contin. 6 vol Robertson's Charles V. 6 vol. &c. &c. Also A Large Collection of Scarce and Curious Pamphlets. Catalogues of which may be had separately. The whole will be daily selling till the 25th of March, 1770, for Ready Money only, at the Prices mentioned in the Catalogue, by Thomas Davies, Bookseller, in Russel-Street, Covent-GardenVeröffentlicht 1770Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
5Dramatic miscellanies: consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakespeare: ... as represented by Mr. Garrick, ... With anecdotes of dramatic poets, ... By Thomas Davies, ... In three volumesVeröffentlicht 1785Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
6Dramatic miscellanies: consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakspeare: with a review of his principal characters, and those of various eminent writers, as represented by Mr. Garrick, and other celebrated comedians. ... By Thomas Davies, ... In three volumesVeröffentlicht 1784Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
7Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole forming a history of the stage, which includes a period of thirty-six years. By Thomas DaviesVeröffentlicht 1784Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
8Dramatic micellanies [sic]: consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakspeare: with a review of his principal characters, and those of various eminent writers, as represented by Mr. Garrick, and other celebrated comedians. ... By Thomas Davies, ... In three volumesVeröffentlicht 1783Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
9Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole forming a history of the stage, which includes a period of thirty-six years. By Thomas DaviesVeröffentlicht 1780Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
10Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole forming a history of the stage, which includes a period of thirty-six years. By Thomas DaviesVeröffentlicht 1780Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
11A genuine narrative of the life and theatrical transactions of Mr. John Henderson, commonly called the Bath RosciusVeröffentlicht 1778Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
12A genuine narrative of the life and theatrical transactions of Mr. John Henderson, commonly called the Bath RosciusVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
13The characters of George the First, Queen Caroline, Sir Robert Walpole, Mr. Pulteney, Lord Hardwicke, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Pitt, reviewed: With royal and noble anecdotes: and a sketch of Lord Chesterfield's characterVeröffentlicht 1777Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
14A catalogue of a large collection of curious and scarce pamphlets, on political, historical and other interesting subjects, digested in the order of time in which they were printed, which will be sold this day, ... till the 20th of June 1771. By T. DaviesVeröffentlicht 1771Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
15A catalogue of valuable and curious books; consisting of several collections lately purchased, among which are folio: Dresses of eastern nations, finely coloured Hortus Elthamensis, 2 vol. cor. rus. Hortus Estetensisgallerie du Luxembourg -du Versailles, Russia Statue di Rossi Caesar,per Clarke, corio Maurit. Demosthenes Wolfii, edit. opt. Rymerifoedera, 20 vol. eleg. comp. Plutarchus Rualdi, 2 vol. chart. max.Aristophanes Kusteri Virgilius Ambrogii, 3 vol. ... Catalog. Bib. Reg. Galliae, 10 vol. Spelmanni Glossarium, ch. mag. S. Chrysostom, per Montfaucon. 13 v. Josephus Havercampi, 2 vol. -Hudsoni, 2 vol. ch. m. Critici Sacri, 14. vol. ch. max. N. Test. R. Stephani, corio Maurit. Idem Westenii, 2 vols. Chronicon Gotwicense, 2 v. ch. max. Architett. de Vitruve Deser, de la Chine, par Du Hable, 4 v. Ramelli Descript. ... Purchas's Pilgrimes, 5 vol. Hackluyt's Voyages, 2 vol. Temple of the Muses, by Picart Gerard's Herbal, by Johnson Stukeley's Itiner. Curiosum, &c. Dugdale's Summons to Parl. 2 vol. Hall's Cronicle, Russia Hollinshed's Chronicle, 2 vol. best ed. Burton's Leicestershire State Tracts, 4 vol. ... Pope's Works, Homer and Shakespeare, 22 vol. elegant Hume's Hist. Eng. 8 vol. royal pab. Claudianus Delphini Apuleius Delphini Livius Delphini, 6 vol. ... With many others equally good: Also several curious Missales, finely ornamented, and many Aneient and Valuable Mss. on Vellum, &c. Likewise a Parcel of Black Letter Books, English and Foreign, of very early Dates. Which will be sold (for Ready Money) at the Prices printed in the Catalogue, by T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, on and after the 20th of February, 1771Veröffentlicht 1771Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
16A catalogue of several libraries and parcels of books, purchased at home and abroad, including the libraries of the Rev. Mr. Russel ... and the Rev. Mr. Will. Thomson ... to be sold ... on Thursday the 28th of January, 1768, ... By Thomas DaviesVeröffentlicht 1768Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
17A catalogue of several libraries and parcels of books; including the entire libraries of William East, Esq; Mr. John Thornton; and George Macaulay, ... to be sold ... on Thursday the 18th of December next, 1766, ... by Tho. DaviesVeröffentlicht 1766Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book -
18A catalogue of choice and valuable books, in most languages and faculties: With the entire library of Francis Calliault, Esq; deceased, (Secretary to the earl of Chesterfield, when ambassador at the hague.) consisting chiefty of Greek, Latin, English and French, most of them in very good case; which will begin to the sold (the lowest price six'd to each book in the catalogue) on Wednesday the 13th of this instant December, By Tho. Davies, bookseller, in Duke's Court, over-against St. Martin's Church, St. Martin's-Lane. Catalogues to be given gratis, at the smyrna Coffee-House, pall-mall; Daniel's Coffee-House, over-against the Temple-Gate; the union Coffee-House in Cornhill; and at the place of saleVeröffentlicht 1739Signatur: Wird geladen …
Standort: Wird geladen …Elektronisch E-Book